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共 75465 個APK 下載 最新版本

With this app, you can easily convert text to speech. Just enter the text and the app speaks it for you. Easy is simple. To work you must have install

1.95 MB

이제 문자 음성 변환을 위해 번역기 듣기 기능을 사용하실 필요가 없습니다! 앱을 실행한 뒤, 단어나 문장을 입력한 뒤 재생 버튼을 누르면 인터넷 연결 없이 음성으로 변환되어 재생됩니다. 소리의 음정(키)이나, 속도를 조절할 수 있으며, 한국인 발음 뿐만 아니라 원어민

1.78 MB

This application can speak for you, anything you want it to say! If you loose your voice for the day... no problem use this app and it can speak for y

3.29 MB

Can't find apps for Android Wear watches? Searching for something new and not overrated? Take a look on Wear Store for Android Wear and try it out. We

3.61 MB

This is an Unofficial Guide for xender file transfer sharing presented by BlueColdSnow team is a new guide app to experience xender new 2017 app and o

8.98 MB

The Text to Speech app, with this simple app you can easily convert text into speech. Just you have to enter the text and the app will speak it for yo

1.76 MB

تطبيق ناطق هو اول تطبيق بالعربية يتيح لك نطق اسم المتصل بالعربية وبالانجليزية بشكل الي كما يتيح لك امكانية تسجيل الاسم بطريقتك لاستخدامها فى نطق اسم ا

6.25 MB
TextToSpeech 1.2.0

The second version of the "Please read the text" app. [New point] - The TTS preference page for changing voice (male / female) and speed control is no

1.86 MB

We couldn't find any decent wireframing tools on Android, so we made one! Wire Flow is a lightweight tool for designing wireframes on Android. With a

2.06 MB

ناطق اسم المتصل و مرسل الرسائل تطبيق ناطق أسماء الأشخاص الذين يتصلون بك و رسائلهم أيضا و محتواها أيضا كل هذا فقط من صفحة اعدادات التطبيق. مزايا هذا ال

1.72 MB

2.37 MB

ناطق إسم المتصل 2017 -call name تطبيق ناطق إسم المتصل 2017 -call name عند الاتصال يمكنك من معرفة اسم الشخص الذي يتصل بك وسماع هاتفك ينطق باسم المتصل ،

3.04 MB

※ English pronunciation Mika * This application is to output the input English in Korean as it is pronounced. * Interpretation and listening are possi

3.25 MB

SpeechTech synthetic voices - the most natural-sounding voices for your phone and tablet. In total, there are 6 different Czech voices, 1 Slovak voice

2.86 MB
text reader 20170321

더이상 스머트폰으로 글씨를 읽지 마세요. 읽고 싶은 글이 있으면 클립보드에 복사만하세요. 자동으로 '텍스트리더'가 인식하여 상태바에 리더를 표시해줍니다. ※ 기존 텍스트리더 업데이트버전입니다! 앞으로 이 앱을 통해서 업데이트를 지원하겠습니다. 읽기버튼만 누르면 복사한

3.21 MB

This tool allows you to watch iptv streams from IPTV Store server on your phone/tablet or any other android powered device. IPTV Store libary must be

1.48 MB

تطبيق ناطق اسم المتصل 2017, يعمل عند وصول أي مكالمة جديدة او رسالة نصية, حيث يقوم بنطق اسم المرسل او المتصل, لتتعرف أنت وبشكل مباشر على المتصلين بك دو

2.8 MB

Remote Logger client its an app for the library Remote-Client on GitHub, its use socket.io library for communication and can listen for events like *l

1.52 MB

Flite (festival-lite) is a small, fast run-time synthesis engine developed at Carnegie Mellon University. This application installs the Flite Text-To-

2 MB
Top Rank 1.0

United States, South Korea, Japan Google Play(Android), AppStore(iOS), ONE Store(Android - SK Only) You can check each market's FREE, PAID, GROSS Rank

4.12 MB