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共 75465 個APK 下載 最新版本
Welody 1.6

WELODY - WEATHER WAKE MELODIES Welody wakes you with melodies contain elaborated weather information. So you are informed of the current weather statu

6.43 MB
iSpyAssist 1.0.72

iSpyAssist for iSpy and iSpyPRO surveillance software will notify you in real time on your smartphone and/or wear watch when one of your cameras has d

15.38 MB

Simple File Manager for Android™ makes organizing data and managing apps easy as it should be. This file organizer, with an app manager included, has

7.66 MB

File Manager Explorer is an application for android phone, it helps you Manage Files easily and efficiently, handles all files, whether stored in phon

4.93 MB

File Manager File Manager, File Explorer & File Commander. File Managing Tool & Phone Cleaner This SD File Management Tool or File Explorer & File Com

8.87 MB

Talk Reader(Voice Reading) Speech to Text can be used anywhere there is a need to bridge the gap between the spoken word and its written form, List No

3.54 MB

Incoming caller name announcer announces the caller name… Incoming Caller Name Announcer is the smart and the most trusted mobile application that ann

2.29 MB

Audio Speed Changer is a Speed Changer fun tool, which changes your song file's speed and allows you to listen to your MP3 music and voice files in sp

27.59 MB

Ringtone maker is most powerful, compact, stylish design and complete Audio Editor. It has all the features you would ever want in an Audio Editor Rin

3.05 MB

Create a free ringtone app. Cut desired part of music ringtone, alarm, notification sound, music, you can take advantage of features such as cropping.

2.01 MB

La calculadora favorita para topografía y geodesia. Convierte referencias geográficas a Elipsoidal, Gauss-krüger, Geocéntrica y Plana cartesiana dentr

1.4 MB

mLas mini to aplikacja umożliwiająca dotarcie do wielu informacji o lesie i otaczającej przestrzeni. Służy do wyświetlania map pochodzących z różnych

18.49 MB

Converts Swiss geographical coordinates (CH1903) to GPS coordinates (WGS84) to within ~1m and vice versa. You can compare where you are in relation to

3.2 MB

Free, easy to use and flexible level editor to help you to create any 2D Game based on tiles. It functions as a free tool to allow the easy creation o

2.19 MB

There are also secrets and unlockable items to acquire, as well as some nice achievements and trophies to unlock. Hopefully this guide will lead you t

3.36 MB
OSMBugs 0.9.4

OSMBugs will show you Bugs on the various Bug reporting Platforms. Currently Supported: Openstreetmap Notes Osmose (Read Only) Mapdust Keepright Pleas

2.46 MB
geocode5 2.1

This is a simple app to find street address from GPS coordinates and vice versa. It uses Google Maps images and information to function. Locations can

1.01 MB

Which corner of your home or office are you likely to get a good WiFi signal ? Are there are any neighboring WiFi channels interfering with your conne

3.34 MB

3D GPS no internet connection - GPS global positioning system - 3D visualize globe, satellite - support compass direction 3차원GPS 인터넷 연결 필요하지 않습니다 - GP

2.33 MB

Geocoders used by ATAK Geocoder: OSM Nominatim Mapquest Google Features: Fully compatible with the Android Tactical Assault Kit application ATAK. Show

1.26 MB