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共 21268 個APK 下載 最新版本

Aplicația mobilă Evolvo permite medicilor specialiști, care au un nume de utilizator și o parolă, să se înregistreze direct de pe telefonul mobil în s

9.28 MB
eSUS+ ACS 3.62.4

O módulo eSUS+ do Cidade Saudável pode ser instalado para uma Secretaria de Saúde. Baixe o aplicativo e realize um teste! No momento o mesmo está pron

3.74 MB

*** HAI TEMPO FINO AL 15/10 PER ATTIVARE LA PROVA GRATUITA*** Partecipa all’unico campionato che mette in competizione migliaia di Magic Allenatori e

109.28 MB
Revive 7.10.0

With the Revive Health and Lifestyle App, you can start tracking your workouts and meals, measuring results, and achieving your fitness goals, all wit

145.61 MB

S aplikací Zdraví v mobilu si snadno vyhledáte nejbližší lékárnu či lékařskou pohotovost, může vás upozornit na blížící se termín očkování a sekce pro

25.07 MB
Watford F.C 1.5.0

The Official Watford Football Club App is your home for your mobile match tickets, exclusive content and offers – wherever you are on matchdays and ev

11.3 MB

Use your Texas Health MyChart account to manage your health information and communicate with your care team on your mobile devices. With Texas Health

38.65 MB
FX Well 2.60

Connect. Inspire. Engage. The mobile app for FX Well allows users to take their corporate health, wellness and performance programs with them anywhere

36.12 MB

Eleven Sports permette a tutti coloro che amano lo sport di seguire, in diretta e on demand, i propri eventi preferiti su pc, tablet e smartphone. È s

9.09 MB

Papierkram papierlos mit der neuen Daimler BKK App. Brandneue Funktionen: - Mein Postfach: Bescheinigungen, Nachweise und Rechnungen sicher mit uns au

45.23 MB

The Axxess HomeCare mobile app makes care easier by empowering field staff to securely verify visits at the point of care, view scheduled tasks and ge

36.54 MB

The top killing-time game has come back. Aim your arrow at the target, and overcome the trembling of your heart and the blow of the wind! You need to

32.03 MB
LASK 1.7.6

Die LASK-App ist dein digitales Treueprogramm! Du kannst ganz einfach durch unterschiedliche Aktivitäten Punkte sammeln und diese gegen tolle Prämien

76.56 MB

Dies ist die offizielle Vereins-App des Budokan Köln (Shotokan-Karate-Do in Köln-Porz-Zündorf), mit der Nachrichten, Lehrgänge, Termine, Fotos und vie

57.43 MB
BBV mobil 6.583

Der Brandenburgische Basketball-Verband e.V. ist der zuständige Fachverband des Landes Brandenburg für die Sportart Basketball und somit Ansprechpartn

57.85 MB

אפליקציה חדשה וחינמית מבית "חדשות ישראל" מביאה לך את כל חדשות הספורט, הפרשנות והכתבות המעניינות בממשק אחד נוח. אם אתה אוהד ספורט אמיתי יש לנו המון מה

21.99 MB

Take a 30-minute vacation on your treadmill, bike, elliptical, step deck - or your floor. While you listen to your own music. Walk, run or cycle along

52.44 MB

Simple design. Easy to use. A very straightforward approach to guided meditation; no clutter, no distraction. Just choose a track and hit play. It’s a

5.52 MB
ACT Coach 1.1.6

ACT Coach was developed for Veterans, Servicemembers, and other people who are in Acceptance and Commitment Therapy in consultation with a therapist.

36.55 MB

Physiotools Trainer motivates and reminds you to complete the exercises prescribed by your therapist. You can receive exercises directly to your mobil

15.48 MB