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共 9786 個APK 下載 最新版本

This is an android application which contains Beef Recipes. The could be access by offline mode. All the recipes in this application had been practice

8.35 MB

Find out which are the main cuts of beef and the appropriate preparation for each of them.

2.1 MB
kahef 1.0

من فضلك أثناء خلال تنزيل التطبيق إقرأ هذه السطرو,, المؤمنون لسورة (الكهف) تالين... بكلماتها يوم الجمعة معطرين، بفضلها الجنة ساكنين، ومن أجرها مغتنمين،

14.23 MB

يعد كتاب "الفتن" للحافظ نعيم بن حماد المروزي، من الكتب المهمة التي تتحدث عن الفتن والملاحم التي تقع بين يدي الساعة التي لا يصح من ذكرها إلا أحاديث يسي

4.11 MB

Tips for Brawl Stars is an application that serves as an introductory guide to the new and addictive game that will be available in a few days. This

3.01 MB

Released notification for Kindle, I want the Kindle or the smartphone notification app that.download the app from the"wish list"of URL registration.

7.37 MB

Bible Parable Stories are the original contained taken from the Holy Bible. We had selected most of the interesting Parable story Jesus told to the cr

11.17 MB

It contains 355.000 English words. Long press for listen to pronunciation.

3.82 MB

This is English - Greek dictionary. The dictionary works offline, search is very fast, and the application has online social features. Dictionary data

7.18 MB

Read "An Advanced English Grammar with Exercises" by George Lyman Kittredge and Frank Edgar Farley! Once you install this app, you can read it by 1-cl

1.87 MB

Water is the best drink to to keep you healthy and hydrated. It is also important to know how a simple drink will give you other health benefits. The

10.86 MB

I have seen the best students get stuck. All they needed to triumph was a piece of advice. I decided to write this app maybe to solve this problem for

9.86 MB

64 Aneka Resep Makanan Dan Minuman Panas Dan Hangat Segar Di Indonesia Tersedia Lengkap Pada DosenAndroid Beserta Cara Mengolah Dan Pembuatannya. Dian

2.17 MB

Quarterly Essay is the leading agenda-setting journal of politics and culture in Australia. Established in 2001, Quarterly Essay presents the widest r

3.52 MB

Seiring berjalannya waktu, pergaulan komunikasi remaja dan anak muda zaman sekarang ini yang ditopang dengan berbagai media menghasilkan istilah, kamu

2.43 MB

We Publish 4 U is a young and fast growing company located in India. Our self-publishing platform has been supporting the work of independent authors.

2.61 MB
Books On 1.1

Book Search works just like web search. Try a search on "Books On" app. When we find a book with content that contains a match for your search terms,

3.67 MB

হুমায়ূন আহমেদ বাংলা সাহিত্যের অত্যন্ত জনপ্রিয় একজন কথাসাহিত্যিক। সদ্য প্রয়াত এই কথাসাহিত্যিক তার গল্প উপন্যাসএর মাধ্যমে অনেক জনপ্রিয় বাণী আমাদের জন্য

2.82 MB

Introduction ========= Using this app, you can now:- - Download and read your purchased Aanjaneya e-publications offline anytime, anywhere. - Browse t

2.25 MB

this is a guide for Jio4GVoice call , this guide contains lots of tricks and tips on how for Jio4GVoice callthis guide is a text describing , how to

2.87 MB