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共 9786 個APK 下載 最新版本
Fabrik 2.22

**** Please uninstall the free version for this pro version to work properly **** **** This is the pro version of Fabrik Reader. It's ad-free and cont

10.95 MB


5.25 MB
32C3 Schedule 1.32.2

This app allows you to view the conference schedule of the Chaos Communication Congress.Features:* browse the schedule* read the abstract of lectures*

1.73 MB
Coffee World 1.3.2

«Coffee is the most favorite drinks of civilized world» (Thomas Jefferson)Coffee is the one of most popular and favorite drinks on Earth. Flavored and

11.35 MB
新浪读书 1.0.0

新浪读书是新浪网全新开发的电子书阅读工具,为书友提供了新浪读书所属书籍的阅读服务。 用户使用统一的新浪帐号即可在客户端登陆,查看自己新浪读书书架的书籍并进行支付购买。主要功能点: 1.在有网条件下,可以将书缓存至手机上,之后即可实现无网阅读。 2.拥有十多万本正版官方图书资源,PC\WAP\客户

5.48 MB
gReader Pro 4.3.1.pro.beta

gReader is a simple, fast and intuitive feed/rss reader for Android, featuring beautiful themes, podcast support and full offline support. Read all yo

7.32 MB
CHM Reader X 2.1.160802

FEATURES ======== A light weight yet faster CHM eBook Reader for tablet and phone with following features:1. Better performances using highly optimi

186.91 KB

有道词典Android Pad版,是特殊定制的多语种互译词典,更适合在Android Pad设备上使用。 其精炼的中英本地词库让您随时随地享受自由快捷的本地翻译;单词 发音、网络释义和超过千万的海量例句,通过无处不在的网络为您带来更加 详尽权威的查询结果;国内领先的机器翻译系统,为您提供即

4.91 MB
Map of Life 2.0.5

What species live here? What is that living thing? And where else does it occur? Find out with the Map of Life app, putting the most advanced geograph

11.5 MB

* OFFLINE MODE! * Let Wikipedia Text to Speech TTS read articles aloud * Replaces default Wikipedia app * Image zoom feature * Tablet support * M

1.11 MB
每日精選 1.1.1


6.16 MB

In addition to all the definitions from Merriam-Webster's Collegiate Dictionary, the app offers voice search – to let you look up a word without havin

67.07 MB
LoboWiki 0.86

LoboWiki is an unofficial, comfortable Wikipedia reader & browser designed for Android 4.x (ICS / Ice Cream Sandwich) phones.The main idea behind Lobo

814.41 KB
字节社 1.2

BytePress for Android is brought to you by Tangcha — the team known for the iOS version of Walter Isaacson's Steve Jobs biography and Kevin Kelly's Ou

17.93 MB
Quotis 1.0.0

The cleanest and most elegant and beautifully looking quotes app on the market!Get motivated daily with the best and most inspiring quotes and express

7.95 MB
云中书城 5.1.1

4.63 MB
暴走日报 2.4.1

你还在马桶上寂寞地拿着洗发水说明书反复研读么?那你就弱爆了!厕所文学控伴侣,肠道协理专家,菊花绽放小助手——由暴走漫画荣誉出品,被世界通便协会誉为“21世纪最sweet如厕之友”的精品app《暴走日报》现已通畅上线!•特含“新闻热点吐槽”“全网最搞笑”健康专栏,锻炼腹肌力量,激发排泄效率。 •无节

3.84 MB
赌书泼茶 0.9.5

This is an unofficial client developed in Scala for book.douban.com, including features like searching books, managing collections, and managing notes

1.5 MB

It's here – the Tech Terms Computer Dictionary for Android!Want to ramp up your knowledge of technology terms? Try the Tech Terms app from TechTerms.

2.42 MB

♥ Escape into a rich fantasy world with Grimm’s Red Riding Hood from Story Toys ♥ Includes language packs for English, French, German, Spanish, Italia

47.8 MB