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共 11953 個APK 下載 最新版本

『DYNAMIC CHORD(ダイナミックコード)』がアプリゲームで登場! バンドマン応援ゲーム『DYNAMIC CHORD JAM&JOIN!!!!』 ◇◆『DYNAMIC CHORD JAM&JOIN!!!!』とは◆◇ 音楽事務所兼レコード制作会社であるDYNAMIC CHORDに所属する4バン

93.83 MB

Tuber simulator games for girls here! Finally! Want to know how to become a blogger? This life simulation games will show with a click! Try Maria Way

68.29 MB

Real Tractor and Trolley Drive Simulation is new tractor farming and harvesting game. In Real Tractor simulation 2017, you get to have a lot of enjoya

31.36 MB

You are a magician living a fairly normal life in a small village outside of the Kingdom of Githrad. Deal with bullies, navigate your father’s temper

4.57 MB

"The AI does not hate you, nor does it love you, but you are made out of atoms which it can use for something else." —Eliezer Yudkowsky Explore an alg

6.71 MB

Goat Simulator Free is the latest in goat simulation technology, bringing next-gen goat simulation to YOU. You no longer have to fantasize about being

16.09 MB
我欲封神 1.0.0

【遊戲特色】 ●新概念風格,顛覆您對封神的古老想象● 妖狐現世媚惑天下,英雄輩出匡扶武朝。 遊戲傳承神話精髓,家喻戶曉的諸多神將將響應您的召喚,再度降臨世間,展開波瀾壯闊的冒險之旅,同時我們希望新畫風表現形式能給經典賦予更新的生機 ●新經典封神,神的規則由我重新改寫● 穿越時空,太公垂釣,ssr級別

17.11 MB

《活動預告》 8/27(一)AM12:00 ~ 9/10(一)AM11:59止限時挑戰高難度強敵關卡-〝號令之錘 北伯侯崇侯虎〞。崇侯虎位居北伯侯是商朝五大諸侯之一,手握北海神器共工之錘,能操控海嘯。勾結奸佞寵臣向紂王告發西伯侯姬昌有造反意圖,並大興土木迫害百姓無惡不作。 『封神蕩魔誌-異世堺』 上

39.31 MB

This simple app simulates a real delicious birthday cake in your phone! Blow on the phone to extinguish the candles.

3.77 MB
Bomb Master 1.4.3

Bomb Master, the cutest trajectory game ever and the only game that excites you in this era! Hit the target with simple finger touch. Fight with your

91.62 MB

In a snowy weather Driving is another way of enjoying it. Come on, download this game which is small in size and taste this taste. With its realistic

35.98 MB

Filmreife Animationen, originalgetreue Umsetzung des Serien-Klassikers, unzählige Helden zur Auswahl! Intensive Action in packenden 3 gegen 3 Kämpfen.

70.73 MB

Lie Detector Simulator is a funny game which simulates to detect whether you tell the truth or lie. You just need to press your finger on the fingerpr

7.08 MB

Destiny Dashboard allows you to manage your characters in Destiny 2. Here's a list of features. - Inventory manager with loadouts - 3d model viewer fo

2.35 MB

*Newborn World: Ragnarok* *Gift Code: sfofun20, SR hero Annessa + 300 Gems, limited quantity, please redeem fast.* ◎ Game Intro ◎ Launch a sword art t

28.33 MB

###New Saiyan World### The great tournament of power has come. Will you be able to beat it? You will need to impress the gods. * CREATE YOUR TEAM OF D

32.26 MB
Astro-N 1.8.6

Astro-N is a shooting game which can be played with friends from all over the world. There are 3 species in the universe, but only one species can sur

5.04 MB

《西遊記後傳2》是一款大型三國加西遊題材的策略RPG卡牌遊戲 豐富多彩的策略戰鬥,遊戲不再枯燥無味!合擊鬥法,變身製敵,隨心掌控戰局。 各路美女神仙妹妹,貂蟬、小龍女、甄姬、紫霞仙子.... 紛紛前來投奔,任你挑選! 超多福利,玩就送橙色武將:孫悟空、二郎神、趙雲、關羽.....極品武將陪你戰鬥到底

90.05 MB

【遊戲簡介】 《京門風月》由人氣小說授權改編,千萬觀眾一致推薦的經典劇情,原汁原味在手機上演;上千款夢幻服飾任妳挑選搭配,唯美氣質穿搭,玩美隨心所欲;美人權謀暗潮洶湧,家族經營、建立自己的閨蜜圈;開放式遊戲結局,妳的故事由妳自己創造。多樣化的遊戲玩法讓妳愛不釋手! 【京門風月五大遊戲特色】 [一、絕

78.88 MB

プレイヤーは「転生悪魔」となり、配下の「美少女モンスター」と共に自分たちの悪魔の巣を豪華に育てていくのがこのゲームの目的です。 「転生悪魔」は日々の行動と転生によって、パラメーターが変わっていきます。パラメーターを上げて「美少女モンスター」をたくさん育てよう!! 「侵蝕の刻」ー 1日1回おとずれる特

52.44 MB