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★★★★★ Game Features ★★★★★ ▶400 species of cute and unique heroes Collect 400 species of the greatest characters in the world and grow them through str

51.55 MB

Become the King of the Pirates with Clicker Pirates! Tap to defeat lots of huge enemies and conquer the world! ◆ Features ◆ ๏ TAP to defeat 100+ fearl

43.33 MB

Heroes of Skyrealm is a team-based mobile game that combines the action of a hack and slash RPG with battle strategy of an RTS. Summon over 30 legenda

44.73 MB

●Description● Naval Creed is a naval-battle-themed TPS game with 360° free perspective 3D graphics. Based on real history background, nearly 100 legen

73.64 MB

มังกรหยก 2 สานต่อตำนานความมันส์ ต้อนรับปี 2018 จากนิยายกำลังภายในชื่อดังของกิมย้ง สู่เกมมือถือที่ยอดเยี่ยมที่สุดแห่งปี ตัวเกมจะรวมเอาเหล่าจอมยุทธ์ชื่อ

28.77 MB

10年前、離ればなれになった幼なじみ 彼女があの頃の面影を残したまま また、僕の前に現れた 。 でも、メッセージのやり取りを交わすうち 知らなかった一面が見えてきて…? そして、同じ大学に通う勝気な先輩と、 悩みを抱える友人、高校時代の甘えたな後輩など… 個性豊かなキャラクターたちから届く メッセー

98.95 MB

==遊戲介紹== 本遊戲以盜墓冒險為主題,將經營、解謎、放置、生存等玩法融合在壹起,玩家在下墓的過程中,能體會到生存的危機感、機關謎題帶來挑戰、怪物突然襲來時的驚恐。龐大的劇情和世界觀結合了中國古代歷史文獻,玩家在體驗身臨其境盜墓的同時,也能夠看到對於歷史的重新解讀。 ==遊戲玩法== 1、多元素的

85.83 MB

Welcome Bicycle Rider. After the Success of Bicycle Racing and Quad Stunt Zygon games present another Bicycle Racing on impossible tracks. Get ready t

62.11 MB

Real SUV Driving Simulator is a real car driving simulator in which you will get to test and feel how it is to drive a 4x4 SUV on different kinds of r

66.54 MB

카페주소 http://cafe.naver.com/napahisu 스토리중심rpg입니다. 각종 무기를 수집,제작해보세요. 스토리중심rpg이고 벌목채광은 그냥 덤입니다. ---- 개발자 연락처 : 카페나 마켓평가에 글을 올리시면 즉각 피드백해드립니다. 카페주소 http:/

20.36 MB

build up your courage and get in your jeep. You are about go on a crazy adventurous hill climb ride. Where You are going to face major bumps. crazy tu

31.97 MB

Most people don’t seem to realise this but animals use a lot of modern transportation too, this can be trains, trucks, tractor trolley, ships and even

36.51 MB

Are you a car games freak? Here is our sublime introduction that unleashes a unique blend of robot games with limousine games. Yes, it offers you awes

36.9 MB

Can you buy low, sell high in a fantasy world? King Jeff thinks you can’t! Dragon Trader is a Dopewars inspired turn-based trading sim/rpg hybrid, wit

12.08 MB

【ゲーム特徴】 ● 萌え萌え画面、華麗なシーン、斬新な体験を楽しめる ● 策略軍団戦、ストラテジー満載!連盟協力して戦おう ● 戦神覚醒、国士無双、オリジナル戦魂システム実装!絶頂の武将を作ろう ● アバターシステムも搭載!個性豊かな自分だけの武将を作れる ● 最強陣容登場!三国名将豪傑雲集!武将を

53.61 MB

Time to go to back to school yes school it’s opened now, we have missed school so much didn’t we I am sure you have missed school too those flippy sho

47.74 MB

개발자요 이 게임은 핵발암 강화 시스템을 보유하고 있소 솔직히 다른 게임들 보면 강화 덜덜 떨면서 해야되지 않소? 이 게임은 그렇지 않음 그~냥 강화석 미친듯이 퍼주오 10초만 두두리면 10-20개씩 나올거요 무기 강화는 덜덜 떨면서 하는게 아니라, 그냥 즐기는 거요

56.23 MB

Mysticons: Secrets of Gemina takes you to Drake City, a bustling metropolis full of ancient magics, amazing technologies, and all sorts of peculiar pe

42.09 MB

Shooting RPG! Hero's 2nd Memory (Hero2M) One day when humans and monsters were living together, Man and monster started the war in the invasion of the

65.97 MB

Do you like the Hand Spinners? Enjoy this Fidget Spinner Simulator. ♦ FEATURES ♦ - Unstress spinning the Fidget Spinner. - Enable and disable the vibr

30.88 MB