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共 14688 個APK 下載 最新版本

UPDATE 31st August: A change in gameplay to enhance your game-playing experience! Introducing: "Where's My Cat? 2". Now you can navigate through numer

20.45 MB
aJY 1.9.2

916.73 KB

3DS「名探偵コナン マリオネット交響曲」2013年4月25日発売記念セール! 第1章は無料配信中!1~2時間程度遊ぶことができます。TVアニメ絶賛放映中! 名探偵コナンのオリジナル本格推理アドベンチャーが登場!■章を購入済のお客様へ■ シリアルコード入力の必要はございません。 下記の手順にて

49.11 MB
TD Bird 1.0

Ninja Birds successfully attacked the Zombies’ homeland in the previous game “Assassin Ninja Chicken”. They killed a few zombies, but the Zombie Kin

13.94 MB
Escaptain 1.0

What would you do if your teammates are being arrested? Save them or let them be?Experience the brand new rushing game : ESCAPTAINCommand your team an

6.95 MB
Blockie 1.0.3

Knock the flying blocks down!!Blockie is a really fun game appropriate for all ages and very easy to learn.It is so perfect to play a quick game or to

11.09 MB

To see a world in a bunker of sand And a heaven in a wild cactus, Hold infinity in the pocket of your shorts, And eternity in Desert Golfing.

1.97 MB
Jewels Dash 1.0.8

9.27 MB
Moy 2 1.92

Moy 2 - Virtual Pet Game is the long awaited sequel to Moy -Virtual Pet Game with over 12 million downloads on Android alone!Moy 2 is packed with load

11.26 MB

超高人氣的平衡球遊戲《七星傳說》正統續作,延續前作的古典中國風, 新作在畫面風格上進行大膽創新,無論是遠處依稀可見的亭台樓宇,還是近 處的小橋流水,又或者高掛星空的明月都透露出濃濃的中國味,讓你彷彿置 身於夢幻般的天國,此外,本作新增了豐富的場景元素、關卡和獨具匠心的 路線與機關,極大的增強

55.19 MB

Slurp, hop, and ribbit along with Hopkins the frog in this comical and frantic arcade-action game for Android smartphones and tablets!Help Hopkins eat

39.13 MB
CopiCopter 2.0.0

CopiCopter is a simple, but very addictive helicopter game. Collect coins, avoid obstacles and rockets, level up and show the world your best score wi

14.83 MB
Tower UP 1.07

Build your highest tower up in the sky and higher. The tiny tower residents are part of your work, they are happy if the tower is rising through the c

5.11 MB
Munch Time 1.23

“Munch Time is another heart meltingly cute game” - Touch Arcade“This will undoubtedly keep us occupied for quite some time” - Trap Magazine"Munch Tim

19.15 MB

A two-player game on a single device! It's like tug of war ... but with a table! Yes, dumb! Totally free! No Ads! No IAPs! ✓ Super simple fun for

12.88 MB

5.33 MB

"Wonderful Gem Kind Game Addict You for Whole Day – AppEggs.com"Too many match-gem games on Android? Diamond Wonderland HD definitely deserve one plac

11.37 MB

GIVE IT UP is a rather hard game where you have to assist this cheerful, singing Blob in jumping through 9 different tracks.So far it sounds easy.You

32.72 MB
Plant Nanny

We heard loud and clear! The Best App of 2013 in App Store finally come to Google Play!It's an amazing app to help over 3,000,000 people drink water r

41.6 MB
Monster Dash 2.7.3

Welcome to the new evolution of Monster Dash, part of the legendary Barry Steakfries Trilogy along with Jetpack Joyride and Age of Zombies!Run like th

73.84 MB