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共 14688 個APK 下載 最新版本

Memory improvement game and memory games for adults. Memory Color - Mind and Brain training is a free game designed to help with brain and memory trai

7.35 MB
SmashIt 1.22

Do you like Trivia Picture games? Are faster than others? Than you must try Smash’it! Smashit is a new fast pace picture trivia game! Keeps you intere

40.75 MB

แอพนี้ชวนให้คุณได้ลุ้นว่าใครมาแอบนินทาอะไรเราว่าอะไรมั่งนะ? จะเป็นยังไงน้าา มาดู มาโหลดกันดูนะจ๊ะ รับรองว่าคุณจะต้องชอบใจแน่นอน หวังว่าแอพนี้จะช่วยสร้

8.46 MB

Blow into the microphone or spin the pinwheel with your fingers. Watch pollen fly in the air as you spin it faster. Enable music and adjust your volum

4.57 MB

Entre Felipe Neto e Nando Moura, qual canal tem mais inscritos? E entre Manual do Mundo e Canal Nostalgia? Neste jogo, você irá descobrir se realmente

4.16 MB

A chameleon is a small size bets10 lizard that usually feeds on flying insects. It uses its fast and very long tongue to catch its prey. Hunt butterfl

18.73 MB

As this games caters to those both blind and deaf it can be played with no sounds and no pictures; it works purely off the phone's vibrations. Althoug

3.25 MB

Twenty one dots is dot connecting game in which the players first choose a color and then take turns dropping colored discs from the top into a seven-

30.58 MB

Is your cat full of energy? Why not try Catch for Cats. Catch for cats includes Mouse and Fish mode to save space on your device by having one app for

31.83 MB

有一天瘋狂科學家,好奇腳趾頭可以種東西嗎?不知道可以種出什麼東西?! 於是科學家發揮實驗的精神,立刻實驗!! 腳腳盆栽特色: ● 新型腳腳盆栽,體驗種植在腳腳的樂趣 ● 蟲蟲大軍會來阻礙你的種植 ● 各種不同的種植成果等你來挖掘 覺得有趣嗎?馬上來下載! One day a mad scient

16.79 MB
Čo ja viem 1.3.0

Prostredníctvom aplikácie "Čo ja viem" sa môžu diváci v reálnom čase zapojiť do súťaženia v rovnomennej televíznej zábavnej šou RTVS. Vďaka jedinečném

8.15 MB

Bounce your way as far down the tower as you can go. Avoid dangerous platforms Platforms spawn at random with random color making the game fun and exc

50.19 MB

แอพนี้ชวนให้คุณได้ลุ้นว่าใครกันนะที่จะอยู่เคียงข้างคุณตลอดไป? จะเป็นยังไงน้าา มาดู มาโหลดกันดูนะจ๊ะ รับรองว่าคุณจะต้องชอบใจแน่นอน หวังว่าแอพนี้จะช่วยส

8.99 MB

Nice experimental Rock Paper Scissor -application to phones with newest connection technologies like Nearby and NFC, combined with fancy retro-style p

18.51 MB

Wer seinen Mitarbeitern einen Anreiz bieten will, sich mit neuen Themen auseinanderzusetzen, für den lohnt es sich, hier weiterzulesen! In der QuizApp

9.97 MB

Crazy Balancing Ball is an amazing simple physics based -level crossing- ball balancing game. Control and balance this crazy ball with tilt and make i

36.96 MB

Quizit is the perfect trivia game to play everytime, everywhere! And we promise you: you’ll have a LOT of fun and knowledge...all in the same place. W

80.05 MB

Dice rolling - Zar Atış Dice rolling - Dice Shot

1.79 MB

・アプリの特徴 エピソード数は驚異の6,000話以上! ダウンロード方式なのでオフラインでもOK エピソードはいつでも追加できます。 スキマ時間の暇つぶしに最適な長さ。 もちろん大長編の力作も多数あり。 ・アプリの主な機能 ◆評価機能 怖い話を5段階で評価してまとめる事ができます。 皆さんがどう評価

6.17 MB

Free Daily Crossword Puzzles- Easy, Medium, and Hard- EVERY DAY! Also includes Free Sampler Collection containing twelve crossword puzzles to help get

57.26 MB