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共 3790 個APK 下載 最新版本
七圣 1.6.0

8.72 MB

☆★ 新春背景免费发送~!雀神mm祝大家蛇年大吉,财源滚滚~!☆★★☆★最容易胡大牌的麻将对战游戏★★☆★画面最华丽的真人竞技麻将游戏★欢乐二人雀神是QQ游戏大厅广受欢迎的二人麻将对战游戏,规则简单,娱乐性强。特别为安卓用户量身定制,您可以与游戏大厅的玩家同桌竞技,一较高下,是睡前路上休闲小憩的最佳

20.82 MB

Are you looking for a great beer and pretzels game for your mobile device? Would you like to play against your friends even if you don't have a board

15.91 MB

11.43 MB

★ Slot Machine+ voted the BEST CASINO GAME by Best App Ever Awards 2011 and 2013! http://bestappever.com/awards/2011/winner/csgm ★★ Slot Machine+ got

17.24 MB

6.63 MB

The masters of portable pinball gaming, Gameprom, have taken advantage of the NVIDIA® Tegra™ processor to create the best version of Pinball HD on any

44.4 MB

9.29 MB

6.63 MB

Dou di zhu is a very popular poker game in China.Official http://www.gts8.com Facebook http://www.facebook.com/GoodTeamStudio Twitter http://twit

994.06 KB

10.65 MB
Reversi 1.34

★ Top Developer (awarded 2013) ★Reversi is the best Reversi (aka Othello) game on Android! Same as our “Reversi Free”, but without ads. Featuring: - U

3.54 MB
UNO 3.6.7i

Play the #1 classic card game for fun with friends and family on your Android phone! The world-famous card game is faithfully reproduced for mobile an

45.8 MB
JJ Lord 4.04.06

JJ斗地主, 智能手机上斗地主游戏第一品牌,全球奖品最多的棋牌游戏,累计8千万用户下载,棋牌玩家首选的斗地主游戏。JJ斗地主四大特色: 1. 同时支持斗地主,欢乐斗,二人斗和单机四种模式,有网没网都能爽。 2. 话费充值卡比赛每天5分钟一场,24小时不间断;每周末更有大奖赛,全部免费参加!完备的

28.41 MB

Poker meets Alice in Wonderland in this Strategy Role Playing Game (RPG) with lots of powerful and stunning cards to battle your enemies. Be prepared

42.9 MB

176.96 KB
摇你妹 2.1.0

4.06 MB
QQ升级 1.0

4.15 MB

提供刺激的血战模式,让你决战到底! 1,经典游戏,Android的体验。界面精细,声音优美,动画丰富。 2,随时随地,方便娱乐。3.和数千玩家联网对战,锻炼牌技。4,血战麻将需缺门才能胡牌。伴有条筒万三种牌时不能吃胡。

2.25 MB


4.69 MB