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共 19179 個APK 下載 最新版本

Raccoon Bubble

48.15 MB

some others Cfish 64 bits with Snapdragon not works. Our Cfish 64 bits work fine. With this app you can only play chess tournaments between engines/mo

4.75 MB

Enter Ms. Athenea's class and learn the multiplication tables in a fun way.

4.29 MB

Logic Sketch Plus is a puzzle game famous for picross, griddlers and so on. There are more than 950 puzzles in various sizes. Anyone can create and pl

4.86 MB

The former Soviet Republic of Subecistan - rich in mineral resources. A small corrupt elite rules Subecistan dictatorially since its independence of t

90.33 MB

Pong Havoc : Block vs Balls Swipe your finger to throw the balls and reach the target! Block will stop you, But they will disappear once you hit them

28.68 MB
萌將決 2.0.8

《萌將決》是一款Q版三國萌將的策略卡牌手遊,群雄兵戎沙場見,萬人攻城美名留!百位名將謀臣開放養成,多兵種策略作戰;建築生產高效規劃,領地極速發展;體驗一路過關斬將、蕩寇平亂、重溫經典戰役;家族軍團協同作戰,共爭天下。 【家族國戰】陰謀陽謀,合縱連橫,逐鹿中原,以家族為單位的多人國戰緊張刺激,全新的戰

93.1 MB

"Starving Artist for Passpartout" is a game that puts you in the place of a French artist trying to find his way in the confusing art scene. Draw and

63.95 MB

Easy to play but challenging, that is what you will comment on our word cookies game for free ❓ Easy to play? Because you just swipe and connect the l

34.42 MB

Word Connect is one of the best word games on Android! Find and Search Words! Features of Word Connect: - Find words by swiping the letters. - Fun hig

30.65 MB

Game spongebob Puzzle is a free game to train your brain, imagination and creativity while having fun. Game Features: Sliding puzzle game model.- Pict

15.97 MB

《戰機風暴》採用Unity 3D引擎打造,忠實還原全球傳奇戰機,打造空戰視覺盛宴,充分滿足玩家的戰機收集慾望。同時,多維度養成計劃、專屬戰機私人訂製、合作軍團競技交互等樂趣十足的策略玩法也將帶給玩家全新的空戰手游體驗! 【忠實還原 薈萃全球傳奇戰機】 《戰機風暴》採用最新Unity 3D引擎,使用全

36.91 MB

Ludo Star King is a morden version of very popular classic/epic board game Ludo.  Ludo game is played in India dated long back. Indian child grew up p

12 MB

Are you looking for something fun, cool, addicting, entertaining and educational game for your Children? Animal Jigsaw puzzles game about cute animals

31.54 MB

王様「なんと…!魔王を討ち取れんかったか…」 「勇者の募集をしてまいれ!」 「ふむふむ、募集していた勇者たちが集まったか」 「して、何人ほど集まったのじゃ?」 「・・・・」 「…2048人!?」 「…多すぎない?」 ======================== ■操作は簡単! 画面をスワイプして

99.48 MB

Connect Animals - a legendary game of the young people now have returned in a new version with excellent graphic design, with the eye-catching new gam

12.54 MB

Do you love Fruit Roll Snacks? Do you love School Snacks, and School Lunch Food Maker? Do you love making yummy School Snack Candy & Eating Fruit Roll

25.67 MB

SUPER ADDICTIVE BRAIN TRAINING GAME Challenge yourself with tons of physics puzzle quiz and dozens of brain exercise, tricky test dots game. You simpl

17.02 MB

Jigsaw Puzzles Story is one of the most popular logical reasoning games in the world. Release stress, relax brain, indulge yourself and share fun with

19.26 MB

Dungeon Learn is the best way to improve your Japanese skills and easy-to-use tool for beginner. Learning alphabet, hiragana, katakana in efficient wa

19.82 MB