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共 19179 個APK 下載 最新版本

We've selected the best images and brought classic jigsaw puzzle experience to your screens. The game provides an unbeatable gameplay for puzzle lover

13.84 MB

Connect your empire to a world full of players trying to take all from you and you all from them. Choose between six different races with 20 type of t

3.58 MB

A brain-storming puzzle in which you draw 1 line, to meet or draw all the figures. Simple and user-friendly, color full interface. Light wight, amazin

3.57 MB

Play chess against the computer or use the program to view, edit and save games. Features: * Play against computer * Two-player mode * Computer agains

4.01 MB
Maze Machina 1.0.12

Maze Machina is a turn based swiping puzzler.

70.32 MB

We have adapted Hangman, the most popular word game of our childhood, to the present day. There are many new generation word games available, but we d

27.61 MB
Dized 3.3.33

Dized teaches how to play tabletop games through Interactive Tutorials. It also answers rule related questions and allows players to upgrade their phy

54.04 MB

New addictive puzzle. Use your imagination and arrange the puzzle pipes and elbows to create a perfect piping connection between two points. The hero

86.41 MB

The stronghold of an ancient civilization has been invaded by hordes of alien raiders. Use powerful technologies of the Ancient and repel the attack o

89.78 MB

요리 콕, 조리 콕, 몸짓 하나하나 귀염 포텐 폭발, 링고! 씰룩쌜룩~ 치즈만 보면 입꼬리가 올라가는 치즈 홀릭, 모카! 새롭게 등장한 애니팡 친구들! 그들이 궁금하다면 TOUCH! # 2개만 모여도, 톡하면 PANG! 살짝꿍 Toc! 옹기종기 모여있는 과일 블록들을

81.8 MB

知識王回來了!好友對戰、畫面功能與題目提升,無法想像的全面進化。 • 新關卡與新題目:環遊世界挑戰關主,臨場感百分百! • 好友對戰:即時連線爭奪獎品,歡樂度爆表! • 主持模式:化身主持人,邀請兩位朋友一起連線玩,主辦你自己的比賽! 這是一款老少咸宜的遊戲,知識的寶藏就在前方,快回來與朋友們一起繼

67.71 MB
要塞遠征 1.0.15

建設要塞、遠征強敵,全球對戰手遊新指標,用一萬種戰術擊敗對手! *新形態卡牌對戰-萬種戰術任你挑 戰術最自由多變,全球對戰手遊新指標,玩法系統再進化!建設兵營、採集資源、科技升級、指揮作戰,四大致勝系統全由你掌握,可快可龜、可推可農,結合對線推塔玩法,再創戰場榮光! *操控專屬指揮官-稱霸戰場大野望

98.07 MB

快算─加減大挑戰 Mathematics Fast Count 可自訂題目輸出,有加減乘除、四則運算,解未知數,分數,多項式展開、因式分解等多樣性的題目,可以選擇難度,題目數等,多練習,讓學生加強數學計算能力,考試成績upupup。 *遊戲說明 數學加減法計算練習, 提供【簡單、普通、華麗】三種難度

19.75 MB

言葉では言い表せない、驚異的な面白さ。 【無料ゲーム】【タダゲーム】 ボールをタップしてスワイプしてゴールを目指そう! ■■遊び方■■ 1、ボールをフリックして動かす。 2、ボールは壁か端まで止まらない。 3、決められた回数以内にゴールを目指そう。 Indescribable, tremendo

16.3 MB

เกมทายชื่อขนม เกมนี้เป็นเกมล่าสุดอีกเกม ก่อนสงกรานต์ที่จะถึงนี้ ทางทีมงาน อินฟิ ได้สร้างขึ้น เพื่อมาให้เพื่อนๆ ได้เล่นสนุกๆ โดยทายชื่อขนมไทย ในอดีต จา

5.17 MB

It is a sliding puzzle (15-puzzle) game to play with a photograph of Yataro, who is my son. This game has got 3 modes of difficulty. Each of them cont

63.65 MB

Wealth escape is the new point and click escape game, free escape games from ajazgames. You and your friends have gone for picnic, after lunch you str

10.61 MB

Utoothia Paint is a toothbrushing game that helps users brush regularly, accurately and for the right amount of time. In Playbrush's new game, you wil

81.74 MB
Tic Tac Toe 1.0.2

The best childhood,classic paper-and-pencil game, also known as Noughts and Crosses or Xs and Os. Smart AI engine and nice graphic is good for kids &

5.43 MB

Play the new Spot the Difference at tikolu.net

3.81 MB