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共 32360 個APK 下載 最新版本
Rutas Arab 1.2.3

Actualización android 12

12.48 MB

Minor updates, including new language support.

32.41 MB

WakeLock added to improve read performance at the cost of battery life

24.62 MB
App Prominas 2.2.0

● Correção de bugs e melhorias de desempenho. ● Estamos trabalhando para tornar nosso app melhor para nossos usuários. ● Esperamos que esteja gostando

29.35 MB

New features in this release: - Bug fixes - General optimization

38.41 MB

5.84 MB

We’ve squashed some bugs and scared away some hiccups to keep your engines hummin’.

10.31 MB
SureDriver 17.4.22052301.321

Improvements for power consumption, speed and reliability.

10.24 MB

- Improvements to navigation within in-app webview - Behind the scenes stability improvements - Miscellaneous bug fixes

49.75 MB

App has uploaded with proper testing.

12.27 MB

12.57 MB

8.55 MB

업데이트 내용 1. 대구로 예약 서비스 추가 2. 대구로 메뉴 전체 품절 판매 추가 3. 알림음, 알림창 오류 수정 4. 홈화면 변경 5. 대구로 메뉴 검색 오류 수정 6. 팝업 오류 수정

18.83 MB
Dabadu 2.0.2

Minor bug fixes.

9.75 MB

Update of the app

33.87 MB

11.2 MB

New in version 2: - New modern UI - Dark Theme - More functionality improvements New in 2.0.5: - Fixed bug causing some new alarms not to fire

11.97 MB

Minor Bug Fixes

11.17 MB

9.89 MB
ShopNow 1.1.3

Make some UI's changes and performance better.

11.1 MB