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共 32342 個APK 下載 最新版本

30.57 MB

إطلاق النسخة الثانية من تطبيق آيات بينات .. والذي أعدنا فيها تصميم واجهات التطبيق ، وتجربة المستخدم بالكامل، مع إصلاح الملاحظات التي وصلتنا منكم. كما

68.42 MB

- 구글 보안 정책 적용 - 배차 지령 오류 수정 - OS 30 버전 적용 - 기타 오류 및 문구 수정

12.29 MB

improved version with key features.

2.97 MB

- Bug Fixes

14.8 MB

In this update, we have worked on improving data reliability and transfer for users. Bug fixes and crashes resolved.

26.39 MB

Thank you for using Going Merry! We've added performance improvements and fixed some bugs.

11.03 MB


25.03 MB

7.63 MB
Moodbe 2.0.32

⦁ Fix di bug minori

50.05 MB
NewsNet 5.6.0

1. Production crash fixes 2. Firebase Analytics integration 3. In app Push Notification fixes

12.64 MB

We've made it a little bit better :-)

83.96 MB
Q-Tech Gps 9.1.0

12.86 MB

improved UI The latest version contain bug fixes and performance improvements Now the experience is smoother and the app is faster.

5.08 MB

Simulador, Conferidor e Gerador de Números de Loteria

10.3 MB

- Performance Improved.

17.86 MB

8.46 MB
Memex Go 1.8.21

- Fix login issue - fix reader crash issues

31.52 MB

Because of very low support, ads are back (unless previously removed)

10.52 MB

12.36 MB