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共 32342 個APK 下載 最新版本

The battle for Northern Udar rages on! It's been 100 years since the First Demon War tore the land apart. Thanks to the Eternity Warriors the demon th

5.03 MB

Kill mad diplodocus jurassic real time 3d scene. Dino seeking revenge after people appeared, continue to occupy the land where dinosaurs lived lead to

26.83 MB

Million of bomber game's fans around the world are waiting a heir of legendary series game in a past? You will be adventure to mysterious lands, with

37.49 MB

Chem Trai Cay 3D phiên bản đặc biệt năm 2016, nhanh hơn, lôi cuốn hơn. Hãy chém những trái cây được tung lên với những nhát chém đẳng cấp nhất để giàn

3.38 MB

Sabertooth Tiger hunter is a real people thrilling 3D games。 Beast from the Jurassic history threatens the entire city, manic saber-toothed tiger in t

25.39 MB

In this challenging skill game you're a thief and your aim is to steal the precious jewels. Sneak into a jewelry store and steal the precious jewels a

10.96 MB

Dinosaur simulator is action, casual adventure game, where you play as a crazy, angry, frenzy and stupid prehistoric dino in city. Your aim is to caus

43.45 MB

✱✱✱Clan of Pterodactyl is now here! ✱✱✱ Fly across this high Jurassic landscape in search of your clan members while controlling your very own Pteroda

40.35 MB

★★Clan of T-Rex is finally here! ★★ This is the one you have been asking about - Clan of T-Rex. The Clan game above all others. The most popular Juras

44.91 MB

A MOUNTED COMBAT CHALLENGE! The horde has returned! They are here, marching on our lands, plundering villages and cities, lying in ambush on roads and

72.82 MB

Chém Hoa Quả - Chem Trái Cây 2016 - Game vui nhộn hấp dẫn nhất Bạn chỉ cần lướt tay lên màn hình và chém các hoa quả,trái cây đang bay lượn trên màn h

2.01 MB

After successful series of Miami Crime Girl now we bring you Miami Crime Girl 2 which is fulled with lot of actions, missions, car theft and lot more.

47.47 MB

《神廟逃亡2》繁體中文升級版,終於終於上線啦!在保持原版遊戲《temple run 2》品質的基礎上,新增了豐富的角色,如武功高強的葉問師傅。還增加了坐騎與寵物系統:騎上美洲豹,讓你可以跑得更快,跳得更遠;帶上你的寵物,讓你拿更多分數,獲得更多金幣。 升級新技能,解鎖新寵物,更爽拿金幣,沖一億分數!

39.03 MB

Assassin Island sniper shooting,Snow Operation Storm Magsaysay. Whenever I wasn't setting up a shot, emptying my lungs, and pumping a sharp metal bull

21.94 MB

Hãy tải game bắn phi thuyền và nhanh tay sở hữu 1 chiếc chiến cơ huyền thoại để tham gia vào cuộc không kích chống lại người ngoài hành tinh đang xâm

8.49 MB

Underground zodiac killers come to death arena to fight single head2head battle called deathwar. A fighter will do anything to win this killbox & be t

96.36 MB

Can you imagine all the rap stars reunited in the same arena? They all have beefs among them and now they can solve it in the hood. Choose your favori

38.66 MB
The Pit 1.0.2

Run, jump, and slide your way through The Pit! Watch out for deadly traps as you race against the most dangerous terrain. Choose to play as multiple c

20.66 MB

Kaos kılıcı, MMORPG'nin ürettiği en modern Mobil Aksiyonlardan bir tanesi. Kaos Kılıcı ölümcül cazibe ve kaotik şiddetin elementlerini eşsiz ve hayret

47.6 MB

■ 2월 업데이트 안내 1. 팀PVP 추가 2. 멸망의 문 개편: 악마제단 3. 복귀유저 혜택시스템 추가 4. 오프라인 이벤트 보상 시스템 추가 5. 전투력 랭킹 다이아 보상 추가 6. 가방 UI개선 7. 신 수정과 수정스킬 백과사전 추가 8. 신규 영혼신기 추가 9.

41.14 MB