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共 32362 個APK 下載 最新版本

Pilot your hover tank and battle your way through 60 levels of enemy filled arenas. Full cross-platform multiplayer support for up to four players. On

27.76 MB

Lock ‘n Load! Get your weapons ready for the ultimate action game. Metal Soldiers 2 combines the adrenaline of platform-style games with the action of

133.01 MB

You have various role forms in this game, you will get great power through your changing Form physically to beat the Devil, which will bring you a gre

46.78 MB

This is the PRO Version WITHOUT ANY ADS!Martians started invading Earth! Survive countless Martian Soldiers in this endless shooting adventure. Run as

15.69 MB
Swing Star 2.7.0

Swing Man , your friendly neighborhood, is here! Catch, swing , glide, enjoy. 100+ Unique levels, various skins and themes.

72.34 MB

Survive, explore, and master swordcraft and sorcery in this free-to-play fantasy survival MMORPG set in the high-fantasy universe. Once a great lord,

58.36 MB

Get Ready for the Holidays with Google Play’s Festive UpdatesSpecial heroes, skins for Holidays A stunning action RPG filled with heroics, adventure,

198.5 MB
Hundred Soul 1.9.0

"Savior. You are the last hope for the humanity." Be our savior and save the crumbling world. ▣ Beginning of Action Theories of Relativity. Experience

88.51 MB

TurtleStrike – Multiplayer massacre in beautiful Caribbean, with turtles!★★★★★ GAMEZEBO.COM - „This isn’t your average turn-based multiplayer game. “

45.74 MB

>** 最刺激的第一人稱射擊遊戲--火線突擊 Gun Strike ** 玩家扮演一位身經百戰的僱傭兵,使用各種槍械來對抗敵人,並利用完成任務所獲取的金錢購買更好的裝備,武器裝備一共有22把長短槍與榴彈以及防彈衣。遊戲有8大主題場景共80個小關卡,與2個獨立小遊戲,並設有多項遊戲成就與線上排行榜

43.02 MB
Morphite 1.5

If you are getting a black screen on loading, please reboot your device so it can load the expansion file. Play the first two missions and explore ran

24.61 MB

Intercept, eliminate and extract. It’s time to hone your shooting skills and orchestrate the perfect assassination. The time for diplomacy is gone. Th

27.63 MB

Hey hey, come on over and have some fun with Crazy Taxi, SEGA's ground-breaking, open-world driving game. Here. We. Go! Play for free and earn craaaaz

19.95 MB

Walkr encourages you to walk more while also exploring the boundless galaxy! -The galaxy adventure game is combined with a pedometer! -Thanks for the

111.13 MB

The classic, long-run shooting game from the 90s has been perfectly remade for smart phones. With its simple concept and endless fun, 1945 is now avai

107.66 MB
Ninja Slash! 1.0.3

28.18 MB
武裝菁英 1.2.16

【經典槍戰 手遊重現】爆破模式、團隊競技、多人競技、隨時開戰! 【休閒亂鬥 暢快開火】超能對決、狗牌戰、佔點模式,數種玩法滿足開火渴望! 【百種軍武 傳說神槍】世界實名槍械、酷炫傳說神槍,百種軍武自由裝備! 【合作副本 全面抵抗】呼朋引伴挑戰合作副本,抵抗強大殭屍軍團! 【語音系統 即時溝通】內建語

61.09 MB

If you like popping bubbles and eat chickens, this is the game for you.You are Walt, a nice fox, whose sole purpose is to catch and eat as many chicke

17.07 MB
MoonChaser 1.1.2

Nothing will stop ninja flying! Ninja needs run to destination before the moon is eclipsed. Running is not fast enough, ninja has to fly! All of the m

2.26 MB

Download 150+ top minecraft mini games free! We’ve made the best collection with most popular and interesting mini games for minecraft pe: the dropper

11.73 MB