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共 14549 個APK 下載 最新版本

專為愛好自由行及商務人士而設計,提供即時有位的航班資訊及票價。 無須等候機位狀態回覆,立即與訂位系統連線,快速訂位成功。 主要功能: 1. 航班時刻查詢:隨時掌握航空公司飛行時刻 2. 立即確認機位:連結訂位系統呈現有位航班 3. 門市據點訊息:利用定位功能顯示最近門市 4. 會員訂單管理:完整訂位

6.47 MB

【重要】最新バージョンへの更新にあたって 事前にご案内していましたが、旧バージョン『2.6.1』に更新せずに、『2.6.2』以降のバージョンに更新すると、シールが消失してしまいます。シールの復元はできませんので、予めご了承ください。 ※AndroidOS8.0での動作については確認中です。 ☆新着情

10.15 MB

Карта Республики Беларусь. С детальными городами, такими как Минск, Брест, Витебск, Гомель, Гродно, Могилев, Барановичи, Бобруйск, Полоцк и др. Возмож

1.53 MB
i-Sim 4.5.4

Latest shopping offers and deals Travel expert advice and sightseeing information With patented technology, “i-Sim Data Card” provides unlimited free

11.72 MB

« Claire, bourrée de bonnes affaires, cette appli simplifiera la vie de tous ceux qui veulent s’évader à petits prix. » - Télé-Loisirs.fr Avec plus de

11.52 MB

A new set of Smart Tourism tools transforms your business trip into an opportunity to craft an unforgettable adventure in Taiwan. Discovering new dest

53.1 MB

Simple Turkish phrasebook. Helps speaking tourists to communicate with the local population in Turkey. Information for phrase taken from open sources

1.58 MB

Discover and explore with Time Out, your trip planner for local and worldwide use. From London to San Francisco and everywhere between, plan events, f

7.99 MB
Transport 2.0.11

Client for display public transport in Dnipropetrovsk, Lutsk and Kazan. For normal functioning, the application requires Google Play with Google Play

2.76 MB

Download Ticketgoose app today and join hands with our 100 thousand satisfied users. Reliable and fastest online bus ticket booking portal in India –

10.49 MB

The newly updated Star Alliance Navigator is the perfect mobile companion in support of the Star Alliance experience. It provides comprehensive allian

18.23 MB

Description: The new "KAZA LIVE" Radar, red light camera warning system and GPS navigator is 100% legal and is "BASED ON A WIDESPREAD COMMUNITY OF USE

9.31 MB
Rome Travel Guide 10.9.5.play

This Rome Guide is your reliable and easy-to-use travel companion. Find directions with detailed offline maps, in-depth travel content, popular attrac

53.36 MB

Android app for Relux, a booking service for handpicked ryokans&hotels. Search and reserve from one of the 1000 high satisfactory accommodations handp

23.83 MB

This app provides information about Pune Local train services running between two train stations at or after a given time of day. You can search train

1.75 MB

Ostrovok.ru is an online service to search and book hotels worldwide. Hotels and hostels in Moscow, Saint Petersburg, other cities in Russia and all o

50.68 MB

Visit New York in virtual reality mode and dive into the heart of its most iconic places at 360 ° with Google your Carboard . Immerse - to the Ground

71.82 MB

Aplikácia O2 Extra výhody prináša niečo navyše každému zákazníkovi O2. Od zážitkov až po výhodné nákupy u našich partnerov. Je určená pre zákazníkov O

15.37 MB

Vítejte v online verzi jedné z nejlepších turistických aplikací, která vám pomáhá při plánování výletů víc než 5000 tras a návštěv zajímavých míst Čes

8.67 MB

• Maps And Directions Finder quickly identifies your position and allows you to find nearest place of interest. • This app also serves as a navigation

8.37 MB