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共 14549 個APK 下載 最新版本
Eligasht 1.13.4

You’re now able to book bundle deals on the Eligasht mobile app in Iran. Save your time when booking a flight + hotel together. Book your hotels, flig

6.1 MB

Complete with photos, contact details and descriptions facilitate you to find the destination. Category places are: 1 Food & drink 2 Hotels 3 Attracti

4.25 MB
佛館360 1.0.8

The Buddha Memorial Center was constructed to enshrine the Buddha's tooth relic. As the name suggests, the Main Hall is the major building at the BMC

48.26 MB
佛光GO 2.0.2

佛光山是個菩薩道場,主張佛光人要先入世後出世,先度生後度死,先生活後生死,先縮小後擴大,以常住大眾及佛教事業為優先,舉凡教育,文化,慈善,醫療等各種利生的事業,都積極參與。 佛光教團提倡人間佛教,致力宣揚佛法與生活的融和,今日的佛光教團,是由許多默默耕耘的佛光人所凝聚而成,上承教主佛陀的真理妙諦,中

51.31 MB

Slip your iPhone or iPod Touch into a Google Cardboard-style virtual reality headset and join your tour guide, Ian Redmond OBE, on a VR journey to the

74.8 MB

This app presents a collection of most beautiful pictures of famous and amazing cities around the world. Watch them and enjoy your virtual travel! Add

3.06 MB

Google mapを利用して、行きたい場所を検索し、その場所で記念写真を撮ることができるアプリです。 自分や一緒に旅行したい人の写真を外部メモリ/sdcard/virtualTravel/traveler/に保存しておきます。 まずは、「Start」ボタンを押します。 旅行者を選択する画面となりま

1.31 MB
InstaTravel 1.1.7

**The world’s first ever app delivering fantastic Japan trips straight to your phone** InstaTravel is a VR travel experience platform on which you can

55.37 MB

Experience travelling around the world with amazing people. Virtual Traveller is a virtual travelling app with 360 videos for experiencing the world.

26.61 MB

Application for travel agents helping them to keep notes and photos made during visits to hotels systemized and up to date. The app is optimized for u

4.33 MB
TravelAgent 2.4.7

The Industry’s Most Read Trade Publication Since launching over 80 years ago as the first publication dedicated to informing and engaging the travel a

10.09 MB

TravelionX eTours is a new Concept of "Travel Diary" to Record your Trips, combined with hundrands of Free Self Guided Tours & City Guides you can eas

6.51 MB
OnJourney 2.0

Welcome to OnJourney. Our goal: to inspire you to live your best life through travel, as well as take your trips beyond the guidebook for immersive cu

2.21 MB
AmadeusLIS 1.04

Amadeus Local Insurance Solution

1.89 MB

Die App zum deutschlandweiten Radwettbewerb STADTRADELN! STADTRADELN (www.stadtradeln.de) ist DER Wettbewerb für mehr Klimaschutz und mehr Radverkehrs

3.68 MB
Mevo 1.1.0

Mevo is New Zealand's first electric car share, giving members on-demand access to a network of electric Audi A3 Sportback e-trons. -> Sign up for you

25.33 MB
Citydrive 1.991

The new Citydrive APP has arrived! With Citydrive, you can search for a vehicle near you, book and use it, with only one click on the application! Joi

2.67 MB

Kaunas City Guide is a practical, completely offline digital guide that runs on iPhones, iPads, androids. It offers a wide variety of information abou

4.13 MB
BUXI 1.1.5

[Airport Shuttle BUXI] BUXI is a convenient ride sharing app for travellers in Korea going from airport to hotel and vice versa. Just download our app

24.78 MB

☆☆☆ Best Mobile Guide 2012 - ACS Award Winner! ☆☆☆ ☆ Multilingual intrface! ☆ Guide 4T is a mobile app that helps you find nearby attractions, hotels,

4.54 MB