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共 75465 個APK 下載 最新版本
SDV Cam 1.0.8

SDV Cam is a streaming video surveillance software, which mainly implements the following functions: 1, real-time preview sports DV video screen. 2, c

65.15 MB
MI Keyboard 1.8.1

Mi Keyboard is focusing on improving users’ experience. It is the minimum keyboard tool around the world, and its magical installation package is only

7.41 MB

Check the level of radioactivity of the people in your neighbourhood. Have fun watching their faces ;)

4.02 MB

If you have the latest Google app, the voice recognition in Voice Control may not work properly. To resolve this issue, please uninstall all the updat

10.16 MB
RadMeter 1.1

This application turns your phone into a powerful Geiger meter. RadMeter supports the most common silicon and Geiger tube sensors (SS05, BPW34, SBM-20

398.71 KB
With WIFI 1.26

This application enables the Wi-Fi connection, management and security protection for each user. The features includes: 1. Manage different WLAN route

4.85 MB

See if your device is compatible at http://gammapix.com/devices Developed initially for several federal agencies, turns your phone into a detector of

13.11 MB

HLSW Mobile for Android devices gives you the experience of the desktop application on your mobile phone. You can monitor and administrate multiple ga

765.96 KB
Xiaomi MI5 1.1.8

Theme for MI5 is not just a regular mobile home screen decoration, it contains a vast collection of themes and HD wallpapers, enabling you to create a

2.77 MB
Mi Emasesa 2.0.1

“Mi Emasesa” es la aplicación gratuita y fácil de usar que EMASESA Metropolitana pone a tu disposición para que puedas realizar gestiones con tu contr

8.87 MB
Mi-CAM 1.2

M-iCAM is a viewer and controller that enables you to remotely monitor live video, tune live audio, and may other functions from dedicated WIFI Camera

2.75 MB

wallpaper on your phone screen. you just select which image you like and then you just turn it into wallpaper on your mobile phone. I use this applica

8.34 MB

혹시 당신은 갤럭시S3의 잠금화면을 따라해보려 온갖 시도를 해보지 않으셨나요? 물결효과는 포기해도 시계는 따라해보고 싶으셨나요? 이제 이 위젯 하나로 해결하십시오! 이 위젯은 갤럭시S3 잠금화면에 배치된 시계와 매우 흡사한 외관을 가지고 있어, 갤럭시S3 및 갤럭시 스

193.65 KB

Install and remove layout files for Xiaomi Bluetooth remote control and Xiaomi Bluetooth game controller. This application requires root, and will mod

1.43 MB

Welcome : It's always good and easy to use a single remote control to control all kinds of Tv The Peel Smart remote revolutionise your home entertainm

4.35 MB
Remote Tv 1.0

Welcome : This is a Single remote control to control all kinds of Tv -The Peel Smart remote revolutionise your home entertainment experience by combin

4.33 MB

Decide role,order,fortune and etc. You can make contents as you want to. This number of sheets up to 50. Also possible to determine only whether the h

8.11 MB
Amidakuji 1.31

This apps can be used as the following: 1)To choose winner or loser 2)To divide into groups or pairs 3)To decide order of something The number of play

1.73 MB

Easily create handmade "lottery" by yourself! 문의 사항 이나 버그 compounds 시 연락 바랍니다. It is hard for you to make lottery with paper. Can you make lottery eas

4.42 MB

**** ROOT IS REQUIRED TO USE THIS APP **** With this app you can quickly and easily reboot your device in various modes and even flash a zip file in r

2.3 MB