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共 75465 個APK 下載 最新版本

Best App lock is app locker that provides facebook app lock, whatsapp lock, SMS lock , messenger lock , Contacts lock , mail lock , Gallery lock , Se

3.14 MB
Power Meter 1.0.1

Power Meter helps you measure electrical consumption of electrical devices. It is useful to verify most expendable devices and it makes easier underst

1.64 MB

A very simple 2D FPS viewer - BETA version. This app allows you to view your FPS performance when random boxes are bouncing around on screen. Please n

22.87 KB
Stopwatch 1.0.3

Stopwatch and Timer is beautifully designed and easy to use android application for measuring time.Stopwatch - chronometer Stopwatch with nice and eas

1.19 MB

Simple visual astronomy tools and tools for astrophotography Tools for visual astronomy - Field of view calculator Tools for astrophotography; - Field

2.73 MB
MoonLock 1.7.0

MoonLock Jupiter is a realistic simulator designed to provide accurate measurements of the position of Jupiter and the Galilean moons for the physical

2.12 MB

Pocket Reporter is a personal “news editor in your pocket” to guide journalists, citizen reporters, activists and other users through the news gatheri

4.03 MB
FPSPixi 1.0.0

simplify FPS test.

1.87 MB
Ephemeridroid 2.0.25

Widget à placer sur le bureau.Il vous permettra de connaître les éphémérides (fêtes) du jour. Vous pouvez être averti lorsque c'est la fête d'un des c

1.05 MB
Pocket RFC 1.4.11

Pocket RFC is your handy android reference application to quickly discover and explore the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) index of Request for

4.74 MB

We hope you could enjoy your smooth and fresh browse time. That is what we are following. Here are some features of Via web browser. ►Fast as lightnin

27.96 MB

App Permission Watcher helps you to monitor the permissions used by installed non-system Apps. It warns you about suspicious permission combinations t

103.61 KB
Helix Dna 1.1.4

3.01 MB

Se non riesci a ritrovare la tua macchina o la tua moto, oppure la bicicletta o il motorino, questa è una semplice applicazione per ritrovarla. *****A

124.06 KB

This is the FPS Tool, Personal Edition. It is Advert Supported. Or you can upgrade using in-app purchasing to be Advert Free and have 5 contacts and 1

3.79 MB
Ephemeris 1.1.9

Ephemeris for Astrology... Using SWISS EPHEMERIS - From 2 Jan 5401 BC to 31 Dec 5399!

4.53 MB
AppLock 1.3

Fingerprint lock only works in Android 6.0+. Unlock more easily and quickly. Protect privacy with password, pattern, fingerprint lock Add intruder sel

2.74 MB

ATTENTION: only for rooted phones ! This tool imports MIUI sms/mms in your current DB. If you have a valid mmssms.db file from MIUI Rom this tool help

153.98 KB

- Calculate simply the energy consumption of electrical appliances and thereby get more control over your electricity bill! - Decided to take advantag

3.16 MB

ZeTimer, innovative timer awaited after single kitchen timers. A true kitchen tool that will accompany you everywhere! Ze Timer is SIMPLE! - Find the

14.4 MB