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共 75465 個APK 下載 最新版本
Msrpa Qcode 1.3.0

1.75 MB
Cardroid 3.1.1

6.17 MB
微信红包 1.2.6

657.22 KB

3.21 MB

This application was made to manage every setting available in the Devil Kernel created by DerTeufel1980 at XDAIts only for the Samsung Galaxy family,

587 KB
GameGuardian 8.4.8

About This File Overview: Play games your way! “GameGuardian” is a game hack/alteration tool. With it, you can modify money, HP, SP, and much more.

5.46 MB

16.12 MB

790.7 KB

1.71 MB

Fingertip Remote is a good universal remote, and covers 95% of the market infrared appliances. It supports eight major categories of appliance type ,

19.2 MB

Checkout the new version: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.anttek.explorerex with alot of improvements and an amazing interface The

4.58 MB
地球 1.0.1

31.03 MB

这是史上第一款能帮你无痛阅读任何英文网页的浏览器!浏览英文网页的时候,是不是一直在切换APP查字典,是不是感觉生不如死? 是不是感觉查过的词又出来了,是不是每次都不认识? 这一切难道是死循环?不, 这些都不是真的。英短浏览器,帮你突破英语短板! 这感觉,这收获, 你读完第一篇英文网页之后就能立即体会

4 MB
XTextList 2.0.1

348.07 KB
酷翻译 1.7.1

1.11 MB

2.68 MB

26.2 MB

+ need root access.Disable Service helps you to disable services running in the background such as "push service" ,"upload service" or "pull ad servic

560.57 KB

轻量级状态栏网速指示软件1、体积小2、无广告3、可以在状态栏显示当前网速(精简),通知栏显示详细网速注意:仅支持android 6.0 及以上系统

73.91 KB
热门话题 5.1.1

7.47 MB