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共 75465 個APK 下載 最新版本

*** FOR ROOTED DEVICES ONLY ***Hosts manager application helping developers willing to modify their /etc/hosts (/system/etc/hosts) file easily. This

1.21 MB

819.94 KB

If you have a rooted device start the app and head to settings and tick 'Device is rooted' and grant permissions when prompted. This will make visibl

145.7 KB
To-Do List 1.0.1

1.99 MB
顺手付 v4.0.4

40.71 MB

5.94 MB

2.93 MB

32.98 KB
面汤相机 1.1.0

2.97 MB

23.95 MB
博看期刊 4.2.0

5.8 MB

Is your contact list filled with duplicates?Then Contact Clean App is the perfect tool for you. It helps you by:- Finding contacts similar enough to b

917.72 KB
Live Launcher 2.0.20160530428

8.91 MB

Calendar for 2014 with impressive effect. Can use calendar widget. Can sync with google calendar. Can make simple to do list and Memo.Keyword : Fli

6.85 MB
凿音 1.62.build.wandoujia


5 MB
iCare 1.3.1

Filtered the blue light from phone or tablet screen, the EyeCare designed by iReader will ease the burden of eyes with soft filters.The eye care can f

2.44 MB

5.53 MB
网易萝卜 beta.0.4.0

21.83 MB
ExpInquiry 1.2.1

3.11 MB
艺考在线 1.3.006

12.62 MB