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共 75514 個APK 下載 最新版本

These are QuickSettings tiles that integrate into your Quick Settings toggles, to add them tap the EDIT button and drag the tiles. Android N+ (??.??)

1.19 MB

5.77 MB

15.61 MB
板栗 1.3.9

19.53 MB

9.84 MB
LeafPic v0.4

3.67 MB
HiNet 2.7.9

截止至2012年4月,海卓诞生已有两年,积累了超过千万的忠实用户,为千万用户提供了网络自动设置、流量保护等功能与服务。海卓上网大师是海卓推出的全新产品,具备海卓HiAPN和海卓冲浪的所有功能,海卓冲浪用户将直接升级到该应用。1. 更加贴心的流量监控与常用开关:除必需的2G/3G、wifi的今日、本月

176.81 KB

316.18 KB
企鹅众测 2.5.6

6.25 MB
白上网 1.4.10.m7

1.77 MB

Display recent & running tasks, Kill tasks

605.46 KB
BStool Ex6 11.0

4.04 MB

1.54 MB

261.18 MB
二师助手 1.2.2

5.72 MB
TorrentWiz 1.05

TorrentWiz allows you to download torrents on your mobile device**Feature List**✔ SD Card Support✔ Sequential Download (For Streaming)✔ Set File Prior

10.43 MB

Control Center is an iOS 7 Style and Android Capability Control Center. You can get the iPhone user experience in Android Phone! CNet recommend:Put

1.12 MB
搜有趣 3.2.3

24.77 MB
内涵峡谷 1.0.6


15.29 MB
ShutApp 2.79

► Auto shut down background apps. Closed apps will not restart. Way boost battery life.These are what make ShutApp an extraordinary battery saver.► Fe

7.91 MB