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共 75465 個APK 下載 最新版本

14.76 MB
极路由 6.5.2

极路由是一款全球首创可安装插件的路由器,对手机、PAD等无线设备完美支持,可实现应用下载加速、游戏加速、视频加速等强大且丰富的功能。更多详情请访问 www.hiwifi.com。—是一款专门为极路由定制开发的远程管理工具—让用户可以在远程管理自己的极路由。—实现对自己的路由器和网络随时进行全面体检并

10.3 MB

1.62 MB
LYCSKY图标包 3.0.366

8.35 MB

Reimagined material dark with some components inspired from LG UI for an unereleased dark material effect.NEW "FULL BLACK MODE": use a completely blac

22.17 MB

EDS (Encrypted Data Store) allows you to hide and protect your files inside an encrypted container. VeraCrypt(R), TrueCrypt(R), LUKS, EncFs, CyberSafe

5.41 MB
Anniversary 1.4.2

2.65 MB

CPU Control:- Set Min & Max CPU Frequency- Set CPU Governor- Set IO Scheduler- Automated Battery Saver Function- Screen on and off profiles- Notificat

1.36 MB
想看 2.1.0

视界无限,只因想看想看, 覆盖全网海量短视频!利用数据挖掘的推荐引擎技术,精准推送你最感兴趣的内容。每一次点击,都让你更想看~打开APP,下拉刷新,你想看的,都在想看! 联系我们新浪微博:@小米想看微信公众号:小米想看(xiaomixiangkan)QQ交流群:469200362

7.07 MB
摄影玩家 3.2.2

8.26 MB
玛奇动漫 v3.1.0.1020

5.4 MB

3.57 MB

*** Please read all instructions carefully. ***Not all devices are supported, therefore it is strongly recommended that you try the 'Sixaxis Compatibi

1.87 MB
LENOTE 2.0.14

乐云记事是联想推出的万能记事本。结合文字、拍照、录音等,全方位记录您的生活、工作或学习。语音自动识别成文字,让手机听懂你,化身小助理。记录安全保存云端,手机、电脑一样看。web地址: http://n.lenovo.com 用乐云记事,你可以享受到:√特色widget、ideabar设计,1秒捕捉灵

10.35 MB

Two in one - Alarm and Bedside ClockOptionally requires you solve math equation(s)(4 difficulty levels) to snooze/dismiss the alarm. Power naps. Many

397.03 KB
Catch 5.2.11

Recommended by: TechCrunch: "10 Apps All New Android Users Should Check Out", O’Reilly Media:

5.7 MB

3.29 MB
科技美学 1.60.245

38.65 MB
当当读书 3.5.0

10.17 MB

★★Run over 60 servers with over 70 protocols!★★Now you can run a CVS, DC Hub, DHCP, DLNA, DNS, DDNS, eDonkey, Email (POP3 / SMTP), FTP Proxy, FTP, FTP

12.58 MB