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共 22213 個APK 下載 最新版本

Laissez-vous tenter par les saveurs originales de Soupe Facile ! Entrées, plats, desserts… Cette application culinaire illustrée par de superbes photo

4.89 MB

Looking for the best and most delicious Asian recipe? you've found it!! The incredible Asian recipe app has all the recipe you will need. and it's fre

12.45 MB

Roasting is a cooking method that uses dry heat where hot air envelops the food, cooking it evenly on all sides with temperatures of at least 150 °C (

8.91 MB

whether you 're looking for inspiration or ideas to make the Chicken menu ? Chicken Recipes offerings of appded is the solution. because the Chicken R

6.68 MB

whether you 're looking for inspiration or ideas to make the Healthy Recipes menu ? Healthy Recipes offerings of appded is the solution. because the H

6.75 MB
點食成金 1.0.6

點食成金擁有多項功能、操作簡易明暸,讓顧客下載後可快速上手,並幫助店家管理訂位、叫號等繁瑣流程,讓被動式的預約訂位、等候號叫號動轉為主動式流程,便捷的菜單介紹及停車資訊,更方便您的顧客快速了解餐廳資訊。 ——【功能特色】—— .便利性-線上訂位、號 碼牌、停車資訊一手掌握。 .專屬性-獨家推播優惠訊

12.39 MB
FeverGem 1.2.0

香港美食緊貼潮流,咁你有無錯過身邊嘅美食呢? FeverGem 將香港嘅飲食資訊同優惠帶畀你!無論你身處乜嘢地方,FeverGem 都可以即時向你介紹附近嘅美食。潮流食品、街頭小食、韓式、日式、中式、西式、甜品等等,應有盡有,資訊每日更新。當然仲有飲食優惠,資訊按時間顯示一目了然。 FeverGem

5.51 MB

Applicazione Unilever Italia. All' interno si troveranno informazioni relative a Unilever e ai suoi eventi. L' app vi permetterà di: 1- Visualizzare l

5.96 MB

Looking for the best and most delicious Dessert Recipes? YOU'VE FOUND IT!! This incredible Dessert Recipe app has all the dessert recipes you will nee

3.92 MB

Spaghetti Recipes This incredible spaghetti recipe app has all the spaghetti recipes recipes you will need...and it's FREE for a limited time!Not only

4.03 MB

Is it accurate to say that you are searching for simple and tasty Soup Recipes? YOU FOUND IT NOW! This marvelous easy soup recipes app has all the sou

9 MB

Vegetable Soup Recipe App we offer to you a great deal of delectable soup recipes: hot soups, icy soups, vegetable soup ! All soup recipes are given b

10.42 MB

رسائل حب ومسجات حب لكل المناسبات الكثير من رسائل الحب والاقسام المنوعة المئات من المسجات والحالات والاف الرسائل القادمة قريبا ويوميا مع تحديث دوري مسج

3.21 MB

تطبيق رسائل حب ورومانسية 2017بدون انترنت تشمل أجمل و أروع الرسائل الغرامية التي يمكن أن ترسلها لمن تحب, يمكن ارسالها عبر وسائل التواصل الاجتماعي مثل و

5.35 MB

كلمات حب و غزل كلمات حب و غزل تطبيق رائد في العالم العربي يحتوي على أرقى الاشعار و الكلمات في عالم الحب و الهوى و الغزل و الاشتياق بين الحبيب و الحبيب

2.23 MB

Our soup recipes are nutritious, filling and packed with flavour; have a look at some of our favourite soup, broth and chowder recipes. Our collection

5.27 MB

اذا كانت حياتك العاطفية مش ولابد ومش طالعلك منها غير الهم وجع القلب يمكن لانه نار هوى الحب والرومانسية بردت وربما تكون انطفت كمان وراحت عليك في الحالة

5.61 MB
許留山 1.0.12

「許留山」創立於60年代,由最初的涼茶舖開始,發展至今已於香港、中國大陸及馬來西亞地區開設超過240間分店,奠下其「港式鮮果甜品店」的市場領導地位,深受本地以及海外顧客歡迎。 50年來一直以「新鮮即製」為宗旨,堅持自家製作多款甜品及飲品。人氣皇牌產品「多芒小丸子」及「楊枝金撈」新鮮即製;家喻戶曉的「

5.22 MB

Bu uygulamada Türk mutfağının en güzel çorba tariflerini bulabileceksiniz. Bu tariflere internet bağlantısına ihtiyaç olmadan istediğiniz her yerde ve

1.21 MB

Calendar Public Holiday Singapore 2015 Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/SingClips keywords: Singapore holiday calendar, Singapore public holiday, Pu

2.05 MB