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共 21268 個APK 下載 最新版本

This app will give complete virtual feel of the sky right from your cell phone. Next trending VR app on store.

35.67 MB

ピッチングマシーンを相手にホームラン競争を行うゲームです。 次々と登場するピッチングマシーンを相手にします。 最初はストレートしか投げてきませんが、徐々に変化球や強力な魔球も投げてきます。 スイングは、メニューキーやバックキーなどの物理キーでも可能です(特にマルチタッチ非対応機種では物理キー利用がお

1.43 MB

3D Bowling Game Now you can play against the device, other person, or alone. Select Easy, Normal or Hard playing modes. Now features a full score cont

27.58 MB

Play an amazing and the best 3D bowling game with many great features you are looking for. It is the paradise for bowling. PRESS QUOTES "As far as bow

38.65 MB

지구 한 바퀴는 40,000km, 하루에 만 보씩 걸으면 몇 년이나 걸릴까요? 불가능한 일만은 아닙니다. hiGinni(하이지니)와 함께 평생 걷는 습관을 만들어 보세요. 걷기는 건강하고 행복한 삶을 위한 가장 효과적이고 쉬운 습관입니다. hiGinni(하이지니) 주요

25.9 MB

IMPORTANTE: O Cartolando Parciais é um aplicativo NÃO OFICIAL do CartolaFC, e não tem nenhum vínculo com o mesmo. Pedimos imensas desculpas a todos qu

11.98 MB

Now Play! Real Football is a free simulation sports game where you'll be able to win a league or cup championship, play with world champions, be a man

37.44 MB

Here comes the new 2D cricket sports game from Taninty Game Studio. The goal of the match is to chase the target score and complete the objective in c

26.94 MB

МКБ-10 и АТХ в вашем телефоне! Эти международные классификаторы разработаны и рекомендованы ВОЗ. Теперь вы можете обходиться без бумажного справочника

1.06 MB

Golf team scoring is a database android app for golf game scoring. New New Peoria Scoring System included.

4.5 MB

DEVELOPER NOTE:This game currently in testing mode and if you are looking for an ERROR-FREE and SMOOTH game play exprience,this game is not for you in

67.53 MB
Dr. Elsa 0.3.0

Dr. Elsa is an Artificial Intelligence (AI) backed telemedicine service that aims to help improve the nations state of health by introducing machine i

13.93 MB

Welcome to one of the most and prominent to follow ball by ball live cricket matches update. Cricket Magic Line mobile apps shows Ball by ball all int

7.31 MB

Welcome to SOWINDO - In love with your eyes! We created a night mode blue light filter that helps protect your eyes for mobile screen and use your pho

3.96 MB

Easy First Aid Emergency provides you with easyand effective first aid information, helping you to deal with a wide range of emergency situations. It

6.12 MB

All Sports Channels Frequencies On All Satellites BBC SPORT . beIN Sports . Sky Sports . ESPN . Fox ...

10.13 MB

SUPER CRICKET 2 is the high-definition sequel to the fastest cricket game on Android! The same quick-thinking, fast-paced cricket gameplay is now in 3

31.31 MB

14 Days Keto Diet Plan This diet plan follows the ketogenic diet guidelines. It’s dairy-free and the vast majority of recipes are sweetener- free (swe

26.28 MB

মানুষ খুব অসহায় হয়ে হাসপাতালে যায় অথাৎ যখন অসুস্থতার সাথে টিকে উঠতে পারে না ঠিক তখনি মানের মধ্যে অনেক আশাজনক চিন্তানিয়ে ডাক্তারের সংস্পর্শে আসে, অনেকে

6.23 MB

Smart Golf Score is the best simple App to record golf score. This App can record four player's score, and can display result by table form or graph.

1.1 MB