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共 21268 個APK 下載 最新版本
Comunio 2018 1.0.2

The complimentary app of the famous comunio soccer manager for the world championship in Russia. Play with your friends, buddies or colleagues in your

4.46 MB

---------- 【重要】ご利用条件の変更について WM(わたしムーヴ)アプリは、安全にご利用頂くために電子署名を付与して提供しておりますが、電子署名に現在使用している暗号化方式「SHA-1」の安全性低下に対する対策として、よりセキュリティレベルの高い「SHA-2」方式への移行を行いました。 移

39.42 MB

Ride skateboard to perform freestyle grind stair stunts with crazy combinations. As a true skater boy, rack up impressive high scores in Skateboard St

53.63 MB

Real 3D Basketball is a game of perfectly tuned physics with real environment based on user skills & with awesome opponent Ai. Standard game Scoring a

23.16 MB

An exciting golf world that you can enjoy on the go! ◈ 2017 Google Play Indie Games Festival Top 20, Golf Hero - Pixel Golf 3D ◈ Avoid obstacles and h

39.23 MB

Fantasy Football on DRAFT has arrived! Compete in live snake drafts for real money against other people. Each draft takes just minutes to complete and

58.5 MB

Join the #1 game combining fantasy football + football manager and be the next Mourinho! You can enter the game at any point during the season and sti

44.22 MB

* 신나는 만보기 앱 닐리리만보 닐리리만보는 기존 만보기 앱과 다른 색다른 신개념 워킹앱입니다. 핸드폰을 가지고 다니기만 하면 자동으로 걷기 측정이 되는 만보기 입니다. * 일상 속 걸음을 모아 목표도시 여행권 응모 가보고 싶은 도시가 있으신가요? 매일 걷기를 통해 걸

66.29 MB

يحتوي التطبيق على كل من هذه المزايا : 1- دليل وتصنيفات للسعرات الحرارية (خضار, فاكهة, منتجات ألبان, صوصات, لحوم ودواجن, وجبات خفيفة وسناك, مخبوزات, مط

8.74 MB

Each pose and is illustrated, Kids Yoga Training helps relaxing, fitness, focusing, and developing children's autonomy. This yoga course is specifical

5.41 MB

⭐Lose weight, build muscle or train for marathon with best online fitness coach & dietitian on Fitso.⭐ Enjoy all features in one app Best Indian Calor

9.47 MB

Be part of PsoHappy, the first app that measures the happiness levels of people living with psoriasis. PsoHappy aims to make well-being part of the pu

11.07 MB

Welcome future mother, in our free application "Pregnancy" for weeks! In the application you will find everything you want to know about the world of

45.59 MB

Get easy access to all your favourite fitness recipes - reach your goals with our broad selection of clean eating friendly high protein recipes.Downlo

30.71 MB
FunRun 3.2.1

A Bluetooth intelligent Bracelet supporting the use of sports app and application through the connection of the Bluetooth and intelligent bracelet can

19.14 MB

Can't get official app working anymore? Are you getting "Band is paired by another person. Ask them to unpair it and try again" message when trying pa

6.64 MB
24alife 6.7

NEW!!! Added Resilience program. Mayo Clinic Resilience is an evidence-based program, backed by more than 20 research studies and is proven to decreas

81.09 MB

Almost 2 million downloads place Gym Trainer as one of the most important and best rated and most popular Fitness and Bodybuilding applications in the

21.95 MB

▼待合室よ、さようなら。 ▼日本最大級の診療予約アイチケットの公式アプリ ▽病院の待ち時間が有効に使えて便利! ▽家族やきょうだいも一度にスピーディ予約! 病院の混雑状況をすばやくチェックでき、予約も最短3クリックで。 受診当日の呼び出しや前日のリマインダーがプッシュで届きます。 大切なクリニックか

50.51 MB

موسوعة الاعشاب الطبيه هو برنامج تعليمي هادف , يقدم البرنامج معلومات علمية عن بعض الاعشاب المهمه التي تستخدم في العلاجات الطبيه , البرنامج يحتوي على ال

16.25 MB