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共 20433 個APK 下載 最新版本
Languages 5.11.0

Start speaking a new language on day one! Try your first lesson free. Our app helps you learn your second language the way you learned your first, wit

22.34 MB

How to teach kids to tell time? This application allows your kids learn to read clock and tell time How to read the hours and minutes. Interactive lea

3.71 MB

Please RATE & SHARE this App as it is free :-) Language : Hindi High School Math Formula and Example in Hindi In this app we tried to consolidate all

6.98 MB

قاموس عربي انجليزي أو قاموس انجليزي عربي هو تطبيق يترجم الكلمات من العربية إلى الانجليزي أو العكس دون إلى إنترنت. يحتوي على أكثر من 90 ألف كلمة الأكثر

15 MB

বাংলা দোয়ার বই বা সকল দোয়ার ভান্ডার সংগ্রহ করা হয়েছে বিভিন্ন ইসলামিক বই ও অ্যাপ থেকে। আমাদের এই দোয়ার ভান্ডার অ্যাপটিতে প্রতিদিনের আমল ও জিকিরের জন

5.23 MB

La più grande raccolta di versioni di latino, versioni di greco, formule di matematica, appunti e notizie per scuole medie, superiori e università nel

4.59 MB

Abacus is a wonderful mathematical instrument used for calculation. This app will help your children learn about Abacus, Numbers, Counting, Addition,

13.94 MB

★Free English Thai Dictionary★ Providing over 300,000 words from Oxford, SE-ED, Lexitron (NECTEC) and other publishers with more than 7,000,000 usage

4.37 MB

Verbal Ability is an offline App useful for various exams like Placemets, GATE exam, CAT Exam, SBI IBPS Bank exams, other MBA exams and UPSC exam etc.

3.13 MB
Edu 91 1.8.6

Edu91 is a go to platform for every commerce student to learn in an interactive manner. The app offers comprehensive Commerce Courses for students of

16.79 MB

নামায শিক্ষা। পুরুষ মহিলাদের নামাজের মাসায়েল,সুরা,রোকন,অডিও,বাংলা উচ্চারণ,অর্থ। এই অ্যাপটিতে যে সমস্ত নামাজের সূরা (পবিত্র কোরআন থেকে নেয়া), দোয়া সম

3.79 MB

新版阿摩線上測驗已經上線囉,歡迎大家來測試使用,如果有使用上的問題,記得告訴站僕喔! The new version of the Amo online test is on the line, welcome everyone to test the use, if there is a pr

37.59 MB

((وقضى ربك ألا تعبدوا إلا إياه وبالوالدين إحسانا )) ما يقوم به والدينا من عمل... من رعاية ...و تعليم و حمايتنا من السوء... و السهر أثناء مرضنا و تحمل

5.74 MB
megared1 10.0

megared1 megared1

6.13 MB

Write Japanese teaches you to draw the Japanese kanji, hiragana, and katakana. It covers the basic kana alphabets, and the first ~2,000 kanji characte

9.16 MB

Hackers Choice is an tutorial app that provides advance knowledge about Hackers Choice is an tutorial app that provides advance knowledge about ►> Com

19.35 MB

• Årets bästa körkortsapp 2014 - 2018 • Över 800 000 nöjda kunder (Android + iOS) • Rekommenderad av trafikskolor runt om i Sverige • Sveriges populär

69.43 MB

Hello Chat is your best application to have fun while learning English. You can meet people from all around the world and talk about whatever you want

5.21 MB

Do you want to prepare for the exam at school or university, train your brain, improve concentration, improve your memory, imagination, memory skills,

4.91 MB

BAZI ÖZELLİKLER: -Bütün Külliyat, Osmanlıca Külliyat,Küçük Risaleler, Kuran, Mealli Kuran, Cevşen, İlmihaller, Tesbihat, Hizb-ül Hakaik, Hizb-ül Kuran

42.83 MB