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共 20433 個APK 下載 最新版本

Want to pass IELTS and start a new life in Canada or Australia? No worries! Use IELTS Speaking Assistant for just 1 hour per day and get fully prepare

9.32 MB

Marbel Learns Qur'an is educational application for kids aged 3-8 years old. This application help kids learning Hijaiyah letters such as A Ba Ta, rea

24.36 MB

Easily learn Arabic & English with Arabic English Dictionary & Translator app! Free download & no Internet connection required! The Arabic English Dic

43.72 MB

OnlineTyari is India's No.1 FREE exam preparation app for government job exams like SSC CGL 2018, SSC CHSL 2017, SSC Delhi Police Constable, SBI PO, S

15.91 MB

With Researcher you can browse and filter papers from hundreds of journals in: - Chemical Sciences - Physical Sciences - Medicine and Healthcare - Lif

47.81 MB

Modern theme free for this version. Calculator's most advanced scientific calculator to date, has been designed and engineered for easy operation at a

14.97 MB

Marbel Alphabet - An educational application that help kids learning alphabet from a to z, including uppercase and lower case. This app was designed f

20.99 MB

Die Führerschein App von THEORIE24 ist die perfekte Vorbereitung auf die theoretische Führerscheinprüfung und ideale Ergänzung zum Theorieunterricht i

73.85 MB
CoSpaces Edu 7.3.1

Create and explore 3D and VR worlds with your students! CoSpaces Edu offers your students a new perspective on learning matter, engages them as makers

52.44 MB

Have you ever wondered where your nearest mobile phone tower was? What services does it support? How fast are the 4G Internet speeds in your area? How

3.12 MB

इस अ‍ॅप में भारतीय दण्ड संहिता १८६०, दण्ड प्रक्रिया संहिता १९७३, भारतीय साक्ष्य अधिनियम १८७२,भारत का संविधान और किशोर न्याय (बालकों की देखरेख और संरक्

4.88 MB

* This app helps you to learn Hindi easily. * You can start learning spoken Hindi in just a few hours. * This is an Hindi speaking course for learning

11.56 MB

* This application helps you to learn English easily. * You can learn spoken English in just a few hours. * This is an English speaking course for lea

24.83 MB

* This app helps you to learn English easily. * You can start learning spoken English in just a few hours. * This is an English speaking course for le

21.89 MB

* This application helps you to learn English easily. * You can learn spoken English in just a few hours. * This is an English speaking course for lea

23.79 MB

* This application helps you to learn English easily. * You can learn spoken English in just a few hours. * This is an English speaking course for lea

24.24 MB

This application has Interview Question and Answer lessons. This is an HR Interview Preparation Guide along with being Manager Interview Preparation G

36.28 MB

* This app helps you to learn Hindi easily - Learn Bangla to Hindi * You can start learning spoken Hindi in just a few hours. * This is an Hindi speak

11.55 MB

Learn Tamil to English in only few days. * This app helps you to learn English easily. * You can start learning spoken English in just a few hours. *

21.91 MB

* This app helps you to learn Hindi easily. * You can start learning spoken Hindi in just a few hours. * This is an Hindi speaking course for learning

11.62 MB