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共 20433 個APK 下載 最新版本

Certified Safety Professionals (CSP®) are persons who perform at least 50% of professional level safety duties, including making worksite assessments

12.04 MB
Fatecanos 2.0

O Fatecanos oferece aos alunos de todas as Fatecs ligadas ao Centro Paula Souza uma alternativa ao SIGA, onde é possível visualizar de forma intuitiva

24.86 MB

This is the official École Poirier (Sooke, BC) mobile app. PLEASE NOTE: This app is only useful for students, parents, and staff at this school. Stude

33.13 MB

PHYOMS is a very simple and friendly home tutoring app for the aspirants of IITJEE, NEET & AIIMS, run by Omendra sir, who is an M.Tech from IIT Kanpur

38.85 MB

VocaGram English Grammar Vocabulary Tests Exercise Multiple Choice Questions VocaGram is a rich app for English learners who look for English tests an

7.62 MB

"Vegetables Name with Pictures" is a free educational app for children between 1 to 4 years of age. High quality vegetable pictures have been added. A

6.18 MB

RTI Hindi & English is an app with complete details of the Right To Information Act 2005 of India. The basic object of the Right to Information Act is

3.49 MB

Este aplicativo foi elaborado para fornecer ao cidadão, perguntas das Principais Leis Brasileiras, como as da CLT (Consolidação das Leis Trabalhistas)

7.32 MB

PrivaDroid - UofT is to study the reasons for decisions users make when answering runtime permission requests and when installing and uninstalling app

8.08 MB

MADANI SCHOOL SYSTEM (MSS) Merupakan sebuah sistem yang bertujuan untuk memberikan total solusi terhadap sekolah dan orang tua siswa dalam bentuk peng

7.11 MB
MSS Milbos 0.0.3

MADANI SCHOOL SYSTEM (MSS) Merupakan sebuah sistem yang bertujuan untuk memberikan total solusi terhadap sekolah dan orang tua siswa dalam bentuk peng

4.18 MB

This app gives you the possibility to access to the most important services in your student life at the Fachhochschule Dortmund easily and on the go.

9.89 MB
Bernoulli Go 9.7.5

Bernoulli Go! Acesse as informações da escola através deste aplicativo. Com este aplicativo, os pais, responsáveis e professores poderão receber as úl

28.87 MB

Learn 3500 Indonesian nouns, adjectives and verbs to enrich your vocabulary. Memorize most common Indonesian words. Listen pronunciation of the words.

37.41 MB
ARChemy 1.0

ARChemy is an AR chemistry visualization app. Developer: Maryam Abdinejad, Hossein S. Qorbani, Shadi Dalili and University of Toronto MADLab

54.15 MB
UTSC Student Experience 2020.02.0100.build.9679

UTSC Student Experience App is the official student app from the Office of Student Affairs & Services at the University of Toronto Scarborough. Stay c

7.55 MB
Obs BWB 2.6.2

Met deze eigen app kan de school sneller en gerichter communiceren met ouders d.m.v. nieuwsberichten en pushberichten. De school kan kiezen om de push

3.79 MB
MSCE Malawi 1.1.2

Check your MANEB MSCE results with this app. One can only search for years whose data is available. Years available are 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019. Search

3.96 MB

About us: Bhupendra Neema Classes is a service provider of education classes, b.b.a & b.com classes & c. a. c. a classes CPT, Mba Classes. You get all

11.81 MB

About Us: Ace Pro Academy, located in Nagpur is a pioneer in Entrance Exam Preparation. It has produced excellent results over last eight years and se

11.83 MB