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共 20433 個APK 下載 最新版本
Estude Cades 12.07

Ambiente on-line para o aluno das instituições gerenciadas pelo sistema Cades. Online environment for students of institutions managed by Kadesh sys

17.88 MB

This app is specially designed to meet the requirements of students whose mother tongue is not English. The method adopted throughout this app is unif

4.53 MB

*Aplicativo desenvolvido para ajudar vestibulandos, principalmente, em relação a destemida redação. *Na aplicação estão disponibilizadas algumas citaç

6.85 MB
BornSmart 1.3

Born smart is a collection of age appropriate 5 minute videos that have games based on brain research and educational theories that parents can play w

8.74 MB

মাখরাজ (Makhraj) আরবি বর্ণমালার সঠিক উচ্চারণ শেখার ও বানান করে কুরআন পড়ার জন্য একটি অ্যাপ। মাখরাজ (Makhraj) আরবি শিক্ষার জন্য সুন্দর একটি অ্যাপ। এই অ্

30.37 MB

Previous Question Papers (PQP) You can get all past/previous question papers of various exams conducted across India. As of now the following question

34.94 MB

Clinical Mastery provides essential information and skills training to empower new nurses and nursing students with the confidence they need as they g

29.57 MB

✴This Mechanical Engineering App is the One Stop Solution for All Mechanical Engineering Needs,It Contains Various Important Mechanical Engineering Co

30.73 MB
Ebinger Elementary School

Our mobile app is recommended to all our students, parents, teachers, staff members, and other members of our community. News, announcements, calendar

23.13 MB

Learning Genie is a reporting and portfolio app used in preschools and childcare centers. The customized experience allows you to be more present in y

52.86 MB

Aplicación y curso donde encontrarás los conceptos más importantes de la Inteligencia Emocional y unas entretenidas propuestas para desarrollarla de f

11.49 MB
Every 1.2.5

Every é um aplicativo onde você encontra e-books, games e livros desenvolvidos por especialistas em aprendizagem de inglês e usados nos cursos da Impu

28.29 MB
TELL 1.12

Learn God’s Word.

32.32 MB
PRO EDU 5.303.1

With the PRO EDU Mobile App, you can: ACCESS TUTORIALS FROM TOP WORKING PRO's PRO EDU creates comprehensive tutorials for photographers, retouchers, g

14.71 MB

First English to Urdu Application for Android Users Now learn English from Urdu Features:- Two Books for English learning in 15 days and 10 days Video

7.34 MB

This is a Kurdish E-Book in which it contains a lot of Matals and by the will of God we will not stop updating it .Thanks - خۆی دەگرێت بە چەند بەشێک ک

7.49 MB

안녕하세요. 예음원 피아노입니다. 예음원 피아노학원에서 자녀의 연주 모습을 보실 수 있도록 자체 앱을 제작 했습니다. 인증키 입력 하시고 첫 화면 실행 하시면 자녀의 연주 모습을 리스트 별로 보실 수 있습니다. 본 앱은 광고가 없습니다. 감사합니다. Good mor

5.35 MB

초, 중, 고, 대학생 및 일반인을 위한 완벽한 영단어 학습 솔루션. 초등 기본 800 단어, 중등 1720 단어, 고등 내신, 수능 완벽 대비 3600 단어, TOEIC 완벽 대비 3800 단어 제공. 일선 영어학원에서 검증된 단어공부 시스템을 게임에 그대로 적용하였

68.6 MB

Attention all Preschool educators, ever lost track of what time your students were dropped off by their parents? Well, LittleLives’ new Check-in app i

11.27 MB
mySkoolApp 6.18

mySkoolApp is the future smart way school to parents/students multipurpose communication tool. With this mobile application school can update to paren

11.32 MB