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共 20433 個APK 下載 最新版本

The application is based on a well-known and highly valued rewards system that you personally determine (for example, going to the cinema). Awards are

40.77 MB

أصول الوصول - الشيخ محمد حسين يعقوب Origins of Access - Sheikh Mohammed Hussein Yacoub

3.29 MB

iClicker Reef allows you to answer questions using your Android device. Tap to answer and receive instant feedback. Compare your vote to the rest of t

5.19 MB

Rekenen leren groep 4 (gratis). Klas 2 voor België. Gratis voor kinderen om rekenen te leren: * Koopsommen * Optelsommen * Minsommen * Splitsen maken

4.07 MB

Did you know that the bat is the only mammal that can fly? Or that a starfish can grow a whole new body from just one arm? Find these and many other w

11.99 MB

Learn Italian Language is an education app that offers to teach you Italian through fun games, beginner and intermediate learn to speak and read Itali

14.56 MB
UniApp 4.0.5

Aplicación de alumnos de la Universidad de Celaya Contiene: -Horarios -Calificaciones -Historial Académico -Calendario institucional -Estado de Cuenta

22.53 MB

O Colégio Expressão, visando sempre diferenciais e inovações, oferece aos pais, que são os responsáveis financeiros, aos acadêmicos, que acompanham a

17 MB
HIV and Aids 1.0.2

The HIV/AIDS app - helps in understanding the disease condition through ANIMATED VIDEOS. The structure of the virus, the pathogenesis and immune respo

19.21 MB

Eklavya Computers is an online platform for managing data associated with its tutoring classes in the most efficient and transparent manner. It is a u

31.49 MB

"라이트하우스영어 부모님을 위한 스마트폰 앱 출시” 아이소식, 반소식, 전체공지를 통해 자녀의 생각과 느낌을 쉽고 자연스럽게 공유할 수 있는 소통의 공간을 마련했습니다. 본 앱은 라이트하우스영어 부모님을 위한 1:1 소통앱입니다. 자녀 소식에 대해 궁금한 사항있으면 언

5.34 MB
Vroom 2.3.8

Your child’s born ready to learn—and you have what it takes to help them! Vroom tips add learning to mealtime, bathtime, bedtime, or anytime. By helpi

11.22 MB

ALUNOS - Acesse uma área online exclusiva! Muitos vídeos online de empreendedorismo, marketing digital, receitas incríveis feitas especialmente para v

4.46 MB

If you just started learning English, you first need to know some basic rules of the language. Developing a solid foundation in English grammar will n

5.73 MB
Enfermagem 2.0.16

O aplicativo enfermagem indexa as melhores informações encontradas na web em um único lugar. Aqui você encontra: - Dicionário de termos técnicos; - Di

3.97 MB

Seguro Cante de Coração para Jeová é a aplicação de novas melodias para louvar ao nosso Deus. recursos - Você pode fazer o tamanho da fonte que você q

10.91 MB
ASE Renewal App 6.17.4848

Want to extend your ASE certifications? The easiest path to success is here! With the ASE Renewal App, you can earn official credits on-the-go to exte

34.12 MB
BPP Community 202000.178.12

Re-connect with old classmates BPP Community allows you to both re-connect with old classmates as well as enabling you to utilise the trusted BPP Comm

62.68 MB

Aplikasi ini dibuat untuk memudahkan para siswa SMK untuk belajar materi tentang Pengadaan Sarana dan Prasarana diluar kelas melalui Smartphone. Aplik

12.33 MB

Aplikasi Kamus Geografi adalah aplikasi yang memuat berbagai kosakata dalam ilmu Geografi. Terdapat berbagai istilah dari berbagai cabang ilmu Geograf

2.29 MB