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共 20433 個APK 下載 最新版本
My Ed 3.9.1

My Ed allows parents to see information right on their device, direct from the school. My Ed is the perfect way for parents get the most out of their

11.95 MB

Min skole app forbinder dig til din skole og giver dig mulighed for at holde dig opdateret på din skema, karakterer, lektier, mm. Du kan også melde di

24.89 MB
Magister 3.7.3

Magister Mobile dá acesso a consulta de informações como notas e faltas, horário de aula, avisos dos professores, protocolos, cálculo de média, biblio

11.41 MB

On your way to a new country and want to freshen up your language skills? Don’t waste your time, paper, and money writing out tons of English or Dutch

9.04 MB

La Plataforma educativa de L´alqueria mantiene informada a las familias de toda la vida escolar de sus hijos en el colegio. Comunicación Comunicación

3.59 MB

تعليم سور من القران الكريم الفاتحة و المعوذات الثلاث بعدة مقرئين وعدة طرق اصوات مختلفة قراءة مع ترديد برنامج الوضوء Teaching Surahs from the Holy Qu

30.04 MB

The Chesapeake Schools App by eSchoolView allows parents, students, teachers and administrators to stay connected in today's mobile world! eSchoolView

33.53 MB
Collins ebooks

Access your Collins books with the Collins eBooks app. Whether you have been provided with an account by your school, or are redeeming free access to

41.84 MB

Learn Arabic from Master Ling! Our free Arabic language learning app is designed to make learning Arabic as easy and as fun as possible! Using a varie

75.75 MB

The free version of this app can control an Apollo Robot Control System through the touchscreen. The paid version of the app enables additional contro

1.85 MB

مدرستي هي نظام إدارة تعلم إلكتروني، يضم العديد من الأدوات التعليمية الإلكترونية التي تدعم عمليات التعليم والتعلم، وتسهم في تحقيق الأهداف التعليمية للم

4.06 MB

The application is created to display Our vision and activities. Right way to save Gir cows from extinction. Right way to make Gau-products reach to m

8.87 MB

The EarthEcho Water Challenge is an international education and outreach program, coordinated by EarthEcho International. It builds public awareness a

8.18 MB
Wappa Babies 1.1.74

¿QUÉ ES WAPPA BABIES? Wappa Babies, una innovadora aplicación de gestión orientada a centros infantiles y que permite a los centros infantiles ahor

18.96 MB

Graduate Aptitude Test in Engineering (GATE) is an ability enhancement test organised by IIT Delhi. It is one of the highly competitive and toughest e

13.97 MB
DynEd 360.020.011.011

DynEd Pro brings the learning power of DynEd’s professional courseware to your mobile device, making studying with DynEd easier than ever before! DynE

18.9 MB

O Colégio Fereguetti disponibiliza o novo e revolucionário aplicativo para Android. Com ele os pais poderão gerenciar toda a vida acadêmica de seu fil

16.46 MB

200 Lý Thuyết Xe Máy gồm đầy đủ 200 câu hỏi dùng cho ôn thi, sát hạch, cấp giấy phép lái xe cơ giới đường bộ giúp các bạn đang chuẩn bị thi bằng lái x

15.01 MB

Ancestry Academy videos cover a wide-range of family history topics and offer something for genealogists of all levels. Learn through high quality vid

18.29 MB
Alumni Cayetano 202000.322.23

Reencuéntrate Alumni Cayetano te ofrece la oportunidad de volver a conectar con antiguos compañeros y al mismo tiempo ampliar tu red profesional utili

15.96 MB