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共 20433 個APK 下載 最新版本
margotu2 1.0

Kaixo eta ongi etorri joko honetara!Hemen DoReMi marrazki bizidunetako pertsonaia agertzen zaizu eta 4 kolore dituzu marrazkia koloreztatzeko!Dohako j

1.47 MB

Oxford English Study helps user from the world learning English offline easily. There are 104 languages that everyone can start to learn English with

18.21 MB

We believe in a smarter way to make decision about your career and so we created 'College Khojo'. It helps you find information like Institute Placem

5.49 MB
BNK AR 1.0

*Buku Baca, Nyanyi, Kenal Siri 1 diperlukan untuk menggunakan aplikasi ini.

41.06 MB
SSA 1.1

The objective of SSA mobile application is to evaluate the skill sets, competency levels and health standards of all children who were studying in all

3.65 MB

Shiksha Classes - Unleash The Genius Within YouThis application is designed to help parent and students to track their progress. Application provides

5.23 MB

Em Matemática Barros, o Professor Delon vai ensinar para você a matemática de um jeito simples e didático. Sāo cerca de 80 vídeo-aulas, totalmente gra

6.42 MB
TGE 3.0

Top Guns Encyclopedia - See the most famous guns in 3d with short info - Textures coming soon

8.24 MB

Applicazione che prevede 4 funzionalità principali: 1) Iterazioni Grafiche 2) Serie Temporali 3) Equazione Logistica 4) Sommatoria Area Sviluppatori:

1.11 MB

Radio Saathi is a self-paced, self-taught training kit for beginners in Community Radio (CR) Stations. It aims to cover the fundamental principles of

1.1 MB
ToeflTool 1.0

This application is aimed to feature the list of universities showing the respective minimum TOEFL/IELTS cutoff score required. Through this you can:

1.5 MB

* French and English versions of Jane Austen's classic tale 'Pride and Prejudice' will help you develop your language ability. * Stories are a great w

5.06 MB

Exam Score calculator uses a formula based on your current grade and desired grade to figure out what you need to get on the final exam to get your de

1.85 MB
Student Schedules

Manage your university schedule and other study stuff more efficiently.  - The minimum required fields  - Calendar Information  - Functional engine to

3 MB

ABC Siri Hamza Belajar membaca interaktif ABC, alfabet tracing , phonics lagu dengan aplikasi Prasekolah dan pembelajaran TK anak-anak permainan untuk

6.55 MB
Orators 1.0

ORATORS: A LITERARY SOCIETY A society committed to hone the Technical, Creative & Soft Skills of Budding Engineers with special focus on Oratory Skill

380.71 KB

प्राथमिक, माध्यमिक शाळेत दररोज घेतल्या जात असलेल्या दैनंदिन परिपाठासाठी अंत्यत उपयुक्त. शिक्षक आणि विद्यार्थ्यांसाठी मराठी भाषेत. दिनांकानुसार सप्टेंब

6.86 MB

The application generates random fractions. You must press the CHECK button to see if your answer is right. When you press the NEW button, a new rando

3.62 MB

Profa dy wybodaeth am wyddoniaeth yn erbyn y cloc! Wedi’i seilio ar Ganllawiau Adolygu Gwyddoniaeth TGAU Prifysgol Bangor, mae’r ap gwych hwn, sy’n rh

31.43 MB