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共 20433 個APK 下載 最新版本

Eine einfache und unterhaltsame neue Möglichkeit, Französisch zu lernen. 29376 Vokabeln werden durch ein Zufalls-Quiz abgefragt, nach 3 Fehlern wird w

2.83 MB

serie von zwanzig kostenlosen Unterricht ,der Sprache Französisch ,jeder Teil enthält drei Lektionen ,der erste Teil enthalten ,die Buchstaben und Far

2.86 MB

Learn and search the most common Spanish verb conjugations. If you are learning Spanish or you want to travel to Spanish speaking country, this is the

4.88 MB

Many of you have problems in learning the Finnish language without Internet Through Hedda application will be able to learn Finnish from scratch even

2.34 MB

Easily learn French phrases and words. You can learn French phrases and words from our native French speaking parrot. Learning French can never be eas

16.1 MB

Norwegian language learning more fun than ever. You will memorize and learn to conjugate words by playing games, doing exercises and exploring words l

4.48 MB

This android application contains the entire preview of the national institute of design entrance exam. NID questions has been provided here. Here you

2.35 MB

Explore American History from a new perspective! "US Supreme Court" lets you see who was in the United States Supreme Court at any point in history. T

2.48 MB

WordPress is an open source Content Management System (CMS), which allows the users to build dynamic websites and blogs. WordPress is the most popular

15.48 MB

Six Kalma of Islam is a android application that is an expensive gift to muslim. Six Kalma Of Islam provides an opportunity to Muslims throughout the

16.64 MB

This app contains Java Programs Source codes useful to the people who have started learning C programming language in their school,colleges etc . This

1.69 MB
DFA 1.0.3

Programming assignment: 1) Construct a DFA simulator. 2) Minimization of DFA. Spring 2017 CS 5800 Theory Foundations WMICH

1.67 MB

Mishary Al Afasy adalah aplikasi yang berisi lantunan Al quran, murattal quran dari Mishary Al Afasy Kumpulan hafalan surat pendek al Quran, juz 30 ju

1.72 MB

Sheikh Sudais Murottal Sudais Murottal adalah aplikasi yang berisi lantunan Al quran, murattal quran dari Sheikh Sudais Kumpulan hafalan surat penden

1.75 MB
GChemy 0.0.8

Gchemy: A MUST-have study aid tool for all high school and college students taking introduction chemistry courses. Features: 1. Unit Conversion: Conve

1.47 MB

English Learning App in Hindi - Learn English Speaking - Basic Talk in English Hello This is A English app by Mahendra Seera helps you in learning Bas

2.67 MB

Our content is in full html structure also concise, and are enjoyable, and learning html is guaranteed. it is a learning html program for web developm

27.7 MB
JJIS 2.1.0

The term JJIS denotes "Jay Jalaram International School". JJIS education trust is a popular group which has been proudly providing preschool, primary

11.13 MB

Want to be a good accountant and you have to search over the internet to find any particular term. Then this application is the best solution.

3.33 MB
Platon Optik 1.0.4

You can read the tests of various courses prepared by Platon Publications with the camera of your mobile device.

7.46 MB