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搜狗手机浏览器, 一键下载小说的手机浏览器,12306手机抢票必备神器。搜狗浏览器的独特亮点: 【小说下载】 利用搜狗强大的搜索技术,嗅探海量优质小说资源。搜一下就能下载,只需一步!只有你不想看的,没有你找不到下载的小说! 【视频下载】 嗅探网页内的视频资源,一键下载到手机上!离线观看省流量。 【强

20.04 MB

23.2 MB
旺信 4.5.7

Taobao official produced, the mobile version of the new Taobao transactions smoother communication, shopping message is more accurate, but also throug

28.2 MB

IMPORTANT: If you made payment via Google Play and your account upgrade was not successful please end an email to [email protected] with the Order

3.05 MB
ZenAssist 1.9.5

ZenAssist disguise a calculator as app lock, which actually providing anti-hacking, encrypted call service and chat tool for the elite class. It’s a s

14.85 MB

Sunlogin remote control is a free software, With sunlogin remote desktop, you can access your home & office computers from every corner of the world v

46.47 MB

一、产品简介: “和通讯录”是中国移动全新推出的通讯录手机应用。该应用能将用户手机中的联系人信息同步到云端的通讯录平台,同时还拥有智能拨号、短信管理、隐私保护、黑白名单、归属地、响铃提醒等功能。用户可以通过登录WWW网站(pim.10086.cn)查询和管理云端的通讯录信息。二、功能特色: 新

37.84 MB
Garage Pro 1.8.8

New update- Now reset the service reminder and oil change lights for Volkswagen, Audi, Skoda, Seat & Porsche! Garage Pro enables you to read and reset

10.3 MB

SignMate is a Software as a Service that use for control, manage your digital signage that will be an amazing presentation on your display (television

5.71 MB

Chat Talk developers spend too much time chatting with 1:1 chats, so they spend less time saving time. Once you have started chatting with one person,

14.97 MB

手动设置呼叫转移(来电转接) 移动: 关机 13810538911 停机 13701110216 空号 1381234567联通: 关机 13641244138 停机 13641244026 空号 13812345671.只支持谷歌发布的原生系统 2.不支持手机厂商自己发布的系统

1.2 MB
随e行WLAN 9.2.2130

4月1日-30日,登录随e行WLAN手机客户端,赢5s、平板电脑等豪礼!活动地址:http://wlan.10086.cn最受欢迎的WIFI管理工具,7亿移动用户接入中国移动WLAN热点必备软件。 随e行WLAN—中国移动唯一官方版本,完美适配中国移动WLAN热点(CMCC/ CMCC-AUTO /

16.24 MB
GT Browser

功能特色:【新增】主题皮肤全新登场,羊年新春更惊喜;沉浸式状态栏,系统字体更换,视觉太精彩!【高速】率先采用Chromium内核,网页浏览飞快,0秒启动,完美适配Android L系统【极简】清新简洁的设计风格,上网不仅快,使用起来根本停不下来,浏览舒适带感【实用】支持各大搜索引擎,想怎么搜就怎么搜

46.27 MB

OpenVPN Connect is the official full-featured Android VPN client for the OpenVPN Access Server, Private Tunnel VPN and OpenVPN Community, developed by

3.64 MB
Mail Master 6.16.3

Mail Master, the excellent mail app in this year, 17-year-experience of mail service.● Use your mail account as Gmail, Yahoo Mail, Hotmail, Outlook, A

38.57 MB
189 Mail 7.5.1


13.38 MB
189Cloud 8.1.3


85.19 MB

16.78 MB

★★★猎豹浏览器★★★视频离线下载0流量看片;百万影视剧综艺节目随时追;Flash等百种格式万能视频播放;安装包2M 下载仅需3秒;0秒启动,网页浏览提速100%。【影视】★完美支持上百种在线片源播放,堪称万能视频浏览器★影视提前离线缓存,0流量观看,无需2G/3G流量★百万影视剧想追就追,不错过任

22.31 MB
SHAREit 3.9.68

6.96 MB