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共 294702 個APK 下載 最新版本
Slivki.by 1.7.2

В этом обновлении правки и доработки.

14.69 MB
4Tocka 3.0.2

5.68 MB

32.54 MB
GamePlanet 3.16.43

Porque en Gameplanet trabajamos para ti, corregimos algunos errores y le dimos soporte a varias secciones en la aplicación. Deja tus comentarios para

25.55 MB

All Bugs Fixed Godzilla Skin is much faster now

12.5 MB
Situations 3.2.282

- Fixed issue where settings the app as default assistant may break speech to text recognition - Improved stability of Bluetooth & WiFi conditions - I

64.42 MB

Wir aktualisieren die PLAYSPORTS-App regelmäßig, um Anwendungsmöglichkeiten und Nutzungserlebnis zu optimieren. • Nutzer können nun an Challenges teil

20.94 MB

1.84 MB

New filter and fix bug

10.96 MB
SuSu 8.10.16

SuSu - The social platform for your organization: for employees and external partners SuSu is the platform for communication within and outside your o

29.09 MB

- Bugs fixed. - Performance, background services improved. - Additional features STUN, TURN.

9.42 MB

음력, 위젯, 알람, 일정 입력 및 백업 등을 지원하는 쉽고 편하게 사용할수 있도록 만든 캘린더 앱입니다. - 달력에 음력(1900 ~ 2050년), 공휴일, 24절기, 국가기념일(선택), 음력간지(선택), 손없는날(선택) 표시 - 기념일(양력과 음력 구분), 일정,

14.05 MB

Bored of your default static wallpapers? Want to make your awesome Samsung phone, old or new, even prettier? Get ready to stand out with this free new

19.93 MB

- some minor bugs have been fixed

10.85 MB

Improved Performance Improved User Experience for Services

9.36 MB

Three Types of information available: - Phone Ids - Device Ids - Sim Ids In Phone IDs you can easily get your device network information. In Device ID

7.77 MB

New features: - Send Invoice as PDF - Customization of Bill Terms - Small bug fixes

19.65 MB

ShroomID is your go-to free mushroom identifier for any mushroom you encounter. ShroomID uses a proprietary machine learning model that can currently

23.76 MB

- Create a routine of tasks to reach your goals and be more productive. - Creating goals and challenging yourself is essential to evolve in different

13.74 MB

Learn Macedonian! - "Macedonian 50 languages" (www.50languages.com) contains 100 lessons that provide you with a basic vocabulary. This free app has 3

18.18 MB