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10.46 MB
doobi 1.3.1

34.46 MB

- Improvements in app functionality and solved minor issues. - Enhanced app functionality now.

15.71 MB

Multiple Enhancements and Issues resolved

8.5 MB

16.28 MB

1. 세계 최초 버스와 지하철 하차알림 2. 출퇴근이 쉬워지는 나만의 출퇴근 경로 3. 교통상황을 반영한 실제 소요시간 안내 4. 버스 여유좌석 정보 제공 1. 버스와 지하철 환승 및 하차알림 T map의 우수한 위치측위 기술을 통해 전국의 버스정류장과 지하철역에서 정

15.28 MB

21.16 MB
UL ItemScan 2.9.35

WHAT'S NEW Alerts • Stay informed of your Product Type Classification requests and any items you have flagged for review with Alerts.

29.6 MB

Halo Dunia! Agan Kipa sudah update ke versi 3.5.6 loh! di versi ini kami ada fitur menarik untuk mu loh: 1. Integrasi dengan cash drawer 2. Menambah f

13.68 MB
Dá Licença Delivery 587.dalicenca

Dá Licença agora com app para delivery com descontos e promoções exclusivas.

27.44 MB

4.45 MB

10.93 MB

3.49 MB
SILS 2.3

Changed the Login PIN's keyboard to allow for alphanumeric passwords. Added literary form to refine search options. Literary form allows filtering by

3.86 MB
TM1 Reports 5.9.1

TM1 Reports (Mobile) v5.9.1 improves loading time of reports from groups of events. This update should drastically reduce load times.

48.05 MB

My Vodafone for Vodafone New Zealand It’s super easy to be in control of your mobile on the go with My Vodafone. Get your current balance, check out h

9.88 MB

**********Congratulations Now Remote Supports Philips Smart TV*********** **********Connect your Phone and Smart TV to same Wi-Fi Network********** **

12.23 MB

- Minor bug fixes. - Latest design and easy to use. - FastVid Video Player app.

5.75 MB
mada 2.3.1.external

18.74 MB

- Some Known Bug Fixed

3.15 MB