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共 294702 個APK 下載 最新版本

Karnaval Radio, Karnaval News! Full entertainment in one single app! Completely redesigned app that brings a state-of-the art digital listening experi

17.48 MB
Fixando 2.2.8

In this version, we included a Map feature, where specialists can see their available requests. Also included minor bug fixes and performance improvem

31.14 MB

The speech to text application that allows you to take voice notes and save them locally or send them to cloud services. Supports a customizable list

2.86 MB
ClickBit 1.0.24

Se você é rápido no toque na tela, então conseguirá acumular muitas moedas neste app divertido que ocupará você nas suas horas vagas. Você só precisa

12.45 MB
MyHome.ie 6.0.34

Minor fix on property price register screen

38.91 MB

Bug fixes minor UI changes Ads issue fixed

4.83 MB

Thanks for using The Good Neighbour! * Bug fixes and improvements * Improved reliability

24.57 MB

Performance Improvement, Bugs Fixed.

15.85 MB
Shotgun Live 9.7.4

To celebrate the life and future of a community that inspires us to live authentically and follow through with the truth of being who you are. The par

37.89 MB

33.57 MB

Reservio is an appointment scheduling and event booking software for wellbeing industry. Stay organized and manage your business on any device, anytim

48.57 MB

Improved startup speed Improved stability

20.49 MB

- Ajustes na exibição de infomações de voucher em detalhes dos pedidos. - Informação do voucher atualizada na tela de sucesso dos resgates da Giftty.

106.55 MB
T-Track Pro 3.2.0

Hỗ trợ xem camera cho TG500 và C43.

27.44 MB
Double Shoot 5.4.15.notrainer.register.online.prod.standard

Double Shoot App, Patent Protected – a pioneer and advanced Zeroing and scoring system. Automatic hit detection - Just take a picture of the target an

48.55 MB

本軟體獲選為「APP NEXT 2013最佳人氣獎 app」 ◎本軟體為查詢最快、訂票最快、功能最多的app(許多功能皆由本app率先推出),有許多貼心的設計等您一一發掘! ◎使用者評論破90000則的肯定與支持!!! ◎國內交通運輸類別唯一超過4萬個五顆星評價及最多人評價app!! ◎台灣平均每四

15.97 MB
Tether It 2.9.2

This version enables push notifications for alerts

18.08 MB

26.06 MB

11.17 MB

With more cars than anywhere else, the carsales Android app makes buying and selling even easier! With tools to help you buy and sell, an easy-to-use

103.25 MB