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共 294710 個APK 下載 最新版本

Enjoy and share the best dubstep electronic music ringtones with sounds and instruments from great artists, the most listened to and most talked about

22.62 MB

Need to mail, ship, or notarize something? Say goodbye to standing in line at the post office or bank. We'll do it on your schedule, wherever you are

6.08 MB

Instantly Barcode scanner codes in real time with scanner. Open the fast decryptor, point the phones camera at the qr code and get immediate results

17.16 MB

Get safe and your data well secure, connect today and access what you failed to gain access to.

29.54 MB

إذا كنت من محبي الموسيقى الهادئة سواء كنت تستمع من هاتفك أو في السيارة أثناء القيادة أو خلال حصة الرياضة فإن هذا التطبيق هو الأنسب إليك. كما أن فوائد

44.93 MB

Winner of 2021 Seedstars Child Development Award Why Alphazed: School? Learning the school curriculum digital, at home, or at school should be fun, s

69.69 MB

Ac Dc Ringtones AC DC Ringtone is a Large Collection of AC DC sound Ringtone. More than 100+ popular ac dc ringtones and new ringtones here. We always

15.74 MB

Ad- free and for free. QR Scanner is very easy to use. Just point your camera to the QR you want to scan and the app will automatically detect and sca

5.11 MB

Talent Group Tuition is an application specially designs for Parents and Students, which will help parents to get the exams/attendance report in their

24.22 MB

Find your Dream Home in a SNAP with the SNAP HOMES APP, this Real Estate Home Search app is LIVE 24/7 for anytime, anywhere updates on Coming Soon, Ne

5.96 MB

iOS Control center is a volume control app that helps you to change your mobile settings into an iOS Control center and quickly access your favorite a

10.69 MB

The OPTAVIA App is made for you, by you, using your feedback to optimize the App’s existing features and add new tools to simplify and ensure a positi

84.83 MB

Collect data from the components of your fire alarm control panel, faster than ever before. * Faster commissioning of an Integral IP fire alarm contro

14.75 MB

نقدم لكم مجوعة رائعة من ستيكرات صباح الخير ومساء الخير ًWAStickerApps صباح الخير WAStickerApps مساء الخير WAStickerApps الحب WAStickerApps التحيات أجم

6.84 MB
Lamour Date 1.0.0

If you’re single and curious about exploring new people and meet women, this app will fit you. Safe and well-designed online dating venue without bias

15.42 MB

The history of Kosovo is intertwined with the histories of its neighboring regions. The name "Kosovo" is derived from the Kosovo Plain,[citation neede

15.37 MB

Brings the Bubble effect to your notification center and adds many customizations so you can make your device stand out. if you are looking for the

7.2 MB
1D/2D Bar/QR Code Scanner

1D/2D printed code (barcode/QR) scanner. Camera itself and 'camera access' permission are mandatory (obvious technical reasons) to enter the scan func

23.69 MB

Wingman Aviation app is specifically for students trying to clear CPL and ATPL exams, The APP gives access to tailor made notes for every subject and

91.32 MB

25.07 MB