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共 294710 個APK 下載 最新版本

1. Supports both hardware & software decoding. 2. Gesture controlled operation interface. 3. Lower storage space occupation & smoother video display.

3.74 MB

This theme belongs to LEO Privacy Guard, please download it here at first :) http://goo.gl/z6Th5N ★ ★ ★Android store's TOP1 privacy safeguard★ ★ ★Why

1.79 MB

49.37 MB

துதிப்போர்க்கு வல்வினைபோம், துன்பம்போம்; நெஞ்சில் பதிப்போக்குச் செல்வம் பலித்துக் - கதித்து ஓங்கும்; நிஷ்டையுங் கைகூடும்; நிமலர் அருள் கந்தர் சஸ்டி கவ

43.04 MB
LAZYbox 1.0.2

12.22 MB

46.62 MB

Photo to video with music, the application allows you to create slideshow videos quickly and impressive with selected photos and music. Create a video

11.99 MB

15.66 MB
Play Org 1.8

- multitouch - Studio-quality sound - Easy to use - Easily downloadable - Handle low memory space with features, this organ application can now be you

3.11 MB
Mp3 Music 1.0

Download Mp3 Music apk latest version.

5.06 MB

This is the free trial version of USB OTG File Manager for Nexus. You can test all functions on your USB device except the file copy and the file open

851.31 KB
Zeroner 2.1.6

7.73 MB

New IOS iPhone6s is a free theme specially designed for CM Launcher users, including dozens of unified icons and artistic wallpapers, which can perso

1.17 MB

pink kitty is a free theme specially designed for CM Launcher users, including dozens of unified icons and artistic wallpapers, which can personalize

1.39 MB
Windows 8 1.1.1

942.81 KB

Emoji Smart Keyboard is a keyboard application for Android that will allow us to insert lots of emojis within any text field. In addition to this pro

5.56 MB

4.32 MB

Download X MOD Pro For Coc apk latest version.

2.81 MB

New version available ⇒ O Keyboard All-in-one light-weight keyboard ★ No INTERNET permission = No sensitive data/password can be sent out ★ Emoji, kao

927.68 KB