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共 294710 個APK 下載 最新版本
obdBluC 1.0

apk uses Elm327 bluetooth dongle and shows obd parametre engine temp and rev. Remember to chose settings->bluetooth and too pair and then connecte obd

190.71 KB
C C E 2.0

The Center for Continuing Education (CCE) was established in the year 1975-76 to meet the primary objectives of continuing education to the incumbents

2.4 MB
GVRMars 2.0

太陽系-認識九大行星 採用虛擬實境技術,配合Google Cardboard裝置,讓小朋友們可以輕鬆地體驗遨遊於太陽系中。目前已包含了太陽,地球與月亮,火星,木星。

34.02 MB

Alfabeto ou Abecedário é uma forma de escrita classificada como "segmental", pois possui grafemas que representam fonemas (unidade básica de som) de u

13.4 MB

Beautiful,soft looking Pink cherry butterfly theme is a 2d theme which has beautiful and fresh cherry blossom flowers and cute butterliies flying over

3.91 MB

Добро пожаловать в наше приложение «Экстрасенсы. Тайное и вечное» Если проанализировать значения слов: — миф – мистика и сказание, то можно сделать сл

9.35 MB

Consulta a un Abogado Online con total confianza, en SOLUCIONLEGAL te asesoramos y tramitamos tu caso legal por muy poco, con total garantía y confide

3.38 MB
besbell 1.7.0

Besbell is a solution base on company which focused on the home security “remote intelligent entrance guard system.” The original products concept was

16.54 MB
Fancy Zoo 1.3

Fancy Zoo is an interactive learning app for children in early education. It brings children a new way of seeing animals in Augmented Reality. Animals

54.39 MB

App para crianças e professores reúne uma coleção de histórias sobre as Lendas da Amazônia. A floresta do Amazonas, além de sua riqueza natural. Traz

22.64 MB
Magnifier 1.1

A magnifying glass - Super simple and lightweight, a freshly designed new magnifier app in the Play Store.Uses your phone's camera to magnify text or

1.88 MB

[ 투터치서비스 소개 ] 저희 투터치서비스(Two Touch)는 고객이 안심하고 귀가하실 수 있도록 안전하고 친절하게 모시고 있습니다. 당사는 대리운전자 보험에 100% 가입되어 있어 안심하고 대리운전 서비스를 이용하실 수 있으며, 언제 어디서든 신속한 서비스와 안전을

7.81 MB

تثبيت السلاح او تثبيت الايم هو يعتمد على الاعدادات بشكل أساسي وعلى الجهاز أيضا بحيث سيساعدك التطبيق في الحصول على الاعدادات بشكل صحيح أثناء اللعب وبحي

37.01 MB
animal 4.0

◆基本情報 指でなぞって道を作って動物などを歩かせることができる知育アプリです。 タッチと楽しい動きと音でお子さまの心を育てます。 ◆遊び方 ・スワイプすると道ができて動物などが歩きます。 ・タップすると動物などが出てきます。 ・右上の「止まれ」マークをタップすると、画面を一時停止できて、動物などを

15.93 MB

Main features: - If you do not have any skill to draw you can use this app for self-learning. - It contains a lot of Tattoos like How to Draw Butterfl

8.04 MB

Sebuah aplikasi yang berisi tetang tata cara bermain game megaman x 6 yang baik dan benar. dan di dalam aplikasi ini terdapat cheat yang berfungsi unt

3.36 MB
Manzil 2.6

Passengers can easily and safely reach their destination with the help of our app. You can make a destination by clicking 3 times and passenger or dri

6.86 MB

FiloWay Araç Takip Sistemleri, sürekli gelişen teknolojiyi, rekabetçi fiyat ve eksiksiz destek hizmeti ile sunmaktadır. FiloWay’in sunduğu en önemli m

4.13 MB

Drawing Manga Step by step will be able to learn you how to put feelings into the characters you draw, how you make them look in motion and finally wh

3.65 MB
MyMalta 8.4

The most comprehensive travel guide for Malta sightseeing: list of Malta best landmarks - cities, museums, natural and archaeological attractions, gar

71.59 MB