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共 294710 個APK 下載 最新版本
Kanal 23 1.0

“Elazığ’ın Televizyonu” Kanal 23’ün canlı yayın programında yer alan siyasî, sosyal, kültürel ve sportîf tüm yapımlar ile Kanal 23 Ana Haber VTR’lerin

610.4 KB

Everything you need to know about the players and the clubs of the german Bundesliga Football League, you have now at any time with just one click on

4.54 MB

This is the extension app for the Chineeeasy Chinese Flashcards. It is probably not very useful for you unless you have the flashcards, which are avai

1.06 MB

Maximize your influence with Charis celeb! [Check out the next hot beauty products!] Charis brings carefully handpicked beauty items into Charis marke

28.17 MB

AJINORAH INSTITUTIONS is the flagship educational arm of AJINORAH GLOBAL VENTURES, founded by a team of visionaries who strive for excellence by provi

34.27 MB

본 APP은 2017학년도(이후) 학생부종합전형 및 고른기회입학전형을 준비하는 고등학생을 대상으로 서울시립대학교 진로탐색 및 대학입시 정보를 제공합니다. - 매월 업데이트되는 전공 관련 인물정보 '이달의 패스파인더' 제공 (관련 단과대학 소개, 영문/국문 위키백과 연동

9.34 MB

QR 코드가 첨부된 해당 어플을 활용하여 교내와 관련기관에서 학생증(또는 신분증)으로 활용할 수 있습니다. 서울시립대학교 학사 정보 시스템 로그인 계정을 그대로 사용하여 로그인 하시면 되며, 발급 화면이 표시되면 한번의 발급 버튼 클릭으로 바로 모바일 신분증을 사용 할

7.04 MB

동명대학교 진학 안내 및 홍보 관련 공식 앱입니다. 취업과 IT 등 분야에 전통적 강점을 지닌 동남권 산학협력 거점 동명대학교 진학 관련 정보를 여러분의 스마트폰 위에서 쉽게 만나보실 수 있습니다. 공지사항, 입시일정, 입시자료 신청, Q&A 등의 다양한 메뉴를 통해

6.77 MB

Music Player & Audio Player, Quick search all music and audio files, Easy to support all music & audio file formats.Powerful music player for

1.09 MB

Download Nova Southeastern University's VR app today and explore in Virtual Reality. See what makes Nova Southeastern University special. The experien

91.49 MB

Quick Advising is an app for students and teachers of nsu .Now all the people of nsu can access RDS easily .....

5.33 MB

Если вас интересует вопрос платья здесь вы найдете то что вам нужно. А еще наша программа окажет помощь по теме как сделать браслет . Для интересующих

2.02 MB
VidTV App 1.0.17

Simple and easy to use, VidTv gives you more choice and convenience in one place on the go.You can instantly stream Live Television channels straight

24.36 MB

The Holi festival has further cultural significance. It is the festive day to end and rid oneself of past errors, to end conflicts by meeting others,

10.68 MB

Impress your love by amazing & lovely GIFs, The best way to express your love Love is the most romantic feeling for the lovers, so here are the best g

8.95 MB

Easter brings love, Easter bring Happiness, Easter brings God’s endless blessings, Easter brings love and the freshness of spring. Happy Easter to you

11.44 MB

RADIO FM INDONESIA TERBARU DAN TERLENGKAPApplications Radio Indonesia's most complete and up to date. Available all the radio stations of all regions

4.08 MB

Control VLC, using Smartphone Settings: 1. IN OUR PC Go to www.videolan.org , download and Install VLC Player 2. IN OUR Phone Go to play.google.com/st

2.9 MB
ASTIBoard 1.0.2

ASTIboard is an interactive whiteboard designed for invited members to do group study and discussion on mobile devices. It can be used for variety of

6.63 MB
Worldapp 2.0

In this app we can learn Telugu, Tamil, Kannada, Malayalam, Bengali,Gujarati , Hindi and Devanagari languages

17.79 MB