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共 294710 個APK 下載 最新版本

This is the Second Version of VBE GEO PHONE. This Version uses auto Calibration. It's much easier to jump right in, Simply by placing the device on a

3.06 MB

This Version of Geo Text Ultimate, is the free version. It still works as the Pro Version, but has advertisements and the Calibration Menu is disabled

5.58 MB

This is My Automatic Calibration, Video ITC. Simply place device on a flat surface and press on. Do not move the Device while running.

57.22 MB
K2 Alarm 1.3

The Nemaxx K2 Alarmsystem uses the world's most advanced digital sensing and transmission technology. It is a set of anti-theft, fire, gas leak alarm

1.59 MB

This is a TEST app, for attempting new ways of helping with Photo Enhancements of ORBS, Shadow Figures and other anomalies. USE: 1) APP REQUIRES DATA

3.63 MB
iWatcher ™ 1.0.645

Spetrotec is an environment conscious company thriving for a modern automotive future that augments driver's safety and security and enhances the driv

4.25 MB
Compass 2.2.1

Mobile Compass by neoTrait is a digital compass made using sensors in your phone. It can replace a original one with your phone. The app has following

2.99 MB

Ever wanted to detect nearby magnetic fields! Well here is the tool for it. This application detects the nearby emf generated by metal. It uses your p

1.32 MB

INSTALA NUESTRA NUEVA APLICACIÓN SIGUIENDO ESTE LINK: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=fm.leonardo.com.frasesdeleonardostemberg El objeti

1.59 MB

The Chakras are energy vortices that exist within the body. A vortex is a swirling mass, that draws energy into its center. The energy is drawn into t

6.46 MB

Taurus Horoscope Features Taurus Horoscopes : Daily Weekly Monthly Yearly Taurus Child Horoscope Taurus Zodiac Profiles Taurus Love Horoscope Sign Com

3.02 MB

Ứng dụng giúp bạn giải mã những bí ẩn trong giấc mơ, điềm báo ...

1.18 MB

- Nhiều người nghĩ đơn thuần số điện thoại chỉ cần dễ nhớ, với những dãy số đẹp là được. Họ quên mất rằng, số điện thoại gần như là thứ gắn bó theo bạ

2.66 MB

Kết hợp cả hai phương pháp tử vi, đọc số của Phương Đông và Phương Tây Xem tuổi theo con giáp ( phương Đông huyền bí ) Xem theo cung Hoàng Đạo ( phươn

20.18 MB

Tu Vi - 2017 Tet is a free application that you can see the fortune of the 12 zodiac horoscope, including compatibility horoscope - restraint, health,

2.48 MB
Bói bài 1.1

- Bóc quẻ - Rút lá bài - Xem vận hạn - Xem tử vi của bạn - Xem tình cảm, công danh, sức khỏe

2.71 MB

* Hôm nay của bạn thế nào? Hãy chọn cung Hoàng Đạo của bạn để biết được bí mật ngày hôm nay nhé !!!! * Tuần sau của bạn ra sao? Những lá bài Tarot sẽ

21.43 MB

It's sometimes very handy to find actual age and days between two dates.This is a very easy age calculator to calculate your actual age and find days

2.46 MB

Paperplayer - an Augmented reality app How it works? * First, you need a material used for the application "augmented reality" (you can find on our we

49.95 MB

How old i am ! this app make it simple for you calculate you age in years or in months even in days did you ever ask this question how mutch days you

2.59 MB