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To non-acquainted with LGBTQA+ (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual / bigender, Transgender, Queer, Asexual / aromantic / agender, Intersex, and more / allies) peo

3 MB
Quist 2.0.5

The Quist mobile app displays the LGBTQ and HIV/AIDS events of note that happened on that day. We're bringing gay history, lesbian history, bisexual h

12.8 MB
Kongkow 1.0

Kongkow adalah aplikasi pencarian cafe di daerah yogyakarta

6.33 MB
Kekinian 1.5

Aplikasi Kekinian adalah aplikasi buatan dari mahasiswa Universitas Atmajaya Yogyakarata yang mengabil mata kuliah Aplikasi Mobile dan Bisnis. Aplikas

5.66 MB
Fairbooks 1.72

Enjoy a new way of reading! With Fairbooks you can discover the new best seller, share your passion with friends, follow writers and readers, find you

26.54 MB

Ensuring the safe movement of the car is not an easy task for the driver. He is obliged to closely monitor the condition of the vehicle and the situat

3.75 MB

Hi, I am your Books Buddy. And I will help you to find best free books for Kindle. All these books are free for Unites States. For other countries: pl

1.27 MB

Are you looking for a quotation app for your Android? Eckhart Tolle Quotes collection is one of the most advanced and very user friendly quotes app on

3.46 MB

Are you looking for a quotation app for your Android? Bruce Lee Quotes collection is one of the most advanced and very user friendly quotes app on the

3.44 MB
LTPBooks 2.0.4

Discover with LTPBooks a new way to read books actively taking part in the story. Experience an adventure of intrigue and suspense, taking decisions t

3.69 MB

Are you looking for a quotation app for your Android? Tupac Shakur Quotes collection is one of the most advanced and very user friendly quotes app on

3.44 MB

Are you looking for a quotation app for your Android? Joel Osteen Quotes collection is one of the most advanced and very user friendly quotes app on t

3.46 MB

⚠️ This app is designed for Sysgration Ltd. BLE TPMS products only. (ID with 5 characters) BLE TPMS (Bluetooth Low Energy Tire Pressure Monitoring Sys

27.45 MB

Modlitwa łączy w sobie różne cechy wezwania: prośbę, podziękowanie, hołd itd. Nie trzeba wielu słów aby Mi się przypodobać - wystarczy, że Mnie bardzo

4.2 MB

Các chức năng cơ bản: - Xác định vị trí. - Tìm địa điểm, địa chỉ. - Tìm địa chỉ của bạn bè trong danh bạ. - Tìm kiếm bằng giọng nói. - Tìm đường đi ng

6.03 MB

London Tube & Rail Maps is the first offline maps with all the necessary maps for London Users. It consists of all standard tube map, overground map,

7.26 MB

When traveling on the London Underground, know the closest train door to your destination be able to check for nearby facilities, off-line. Apart from

6.52 MB

Are you looking for a quotation app for your Android? John F. Kennedy Quotes collection is one of the most advanced and very user friendly quotes app

3.46 MB

Tips And Tricks This will help You to locate the best answer for turn into the victor of "New Power Rangers Guide" instruments and pay in any event.

4.07 MB
Poems 5.0

Read "Poems" by Victor Hugo! Once you install this app, you can read it by 1-click without connecting network. You can also check your "Reading Score"

1.75 MB