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共 294702 個APK 下載 最新版本
Tripitaka 1.8

This is a very valuable user friendly application containing a comprehensive collection of ‘Tripitaka’ texts or Pali Canon which are highly resourcefu

11.11 MB

A product of Ladybird Environmental Consulting (LEC) is a series of nature based Mobile apps developed to promote nature study widely across Indian ci

26.93 MB

A product of Ladybird Environmental Consulting (LEC) is a series of nature based Mobile apps developed to promote nature study widely across cities of

32.65 MB

Al-Quran MP3 Full 30 Juz, comes as a light and guide the lives of Muslims, towards the path of truth. Al-Quran MP3 Full 30 Juz is reading verses conta

10.71 MB

Doa dan bacaan sholat mp3 merupakan aplikasi yang di dalamnya berisi bacaan sholat wajib lengkap dengan di sertai mp3 suara bacaanya dan gambar-gambar

3.77 MB

Listen to full Quran offline without an internet connection. By downloading and installing the application Al-Quran MP3 Offline 30 Juz, you can listen

90.1 MB

Listen To Al Quran MP3 Juz 30 Offline From your Android Smartphone. This app lets you listen to the recitation of Juz Amma, from the Holy Quran by Saa

5.48 MB

Welcome to Hani Ar Rifai Al-Quran MP3 Offline This app lets you listen to the recitation of the Holy Quran by Sheikh Hani Ar Rifai. Requires no downlo

98.39 MB

Mishary Alafasy MP3 Quran brings you a recitation of Holy Quran byMishary Alafasy MP3 Quran. Enjoy listening to Mishary Alafasy MP3 Quran and please l

2.89 MB

This application contains Murottal Quran Full by Syaikh Mishary Rashid Alafasy 30 Juz 114 Surah

6.57 MB
Thần Chú 11.0.0


2.12 MB

This is a Free Ali Jaber Holy Quran. Holy Quran - Ali Jaber Usage: Play any Surah of your choice Listen to sheikh Ali Jaber while in background Share

16.96 MB

Quran 30 Juz or 114 letter without an internet connection. Download and install applications Quran Audio Full 30 Juz, you can listen to all the verses

88.39 MB

Listen to The Holy Quran for "Ahmad Saud" Full Mp3 . You can download the surah to listen to it in offline mode available in English & العربية languag

39.54 MB

Application Quran Mp3 FULL OFFLINE can be downloaded for free. You can listen anywhere and anytime, because it is offline (does not require internet c

93.12 MB

Lantunan quran Maghfirah M Hussin mp3 merupakan aplikasi yang di dalamnya berisi lantunan-lantunan suara merdu qori maghfiroh m hussin yang di kemas d

20.11 MB

Volume Booster And Amplifier Is A Volume Booster App That Can Turn Up The Volume For Your Mobile Phone Or Tablet. Turn Volume Up On Your Music Volume

6.05 MB

A simple, small and free application to increase the volume of your speaker or headphones. Useful for movies, audiobooks and music.Welcome to Amplifi

4.33 MB

القرآن الكريم كاملا بصوت عبد الباسط عبد الصمد بدون انترنت يشمل التطبيق الجديد الذي بين ايديكم على القرآن الكريم كاملا بصوت عبد الباسط عبد الصمد mp3 بد

2.7 MB

عبد الباسط | القرآن كاملا | مجود الشيخ عبد الباسط بن محمد بن سالم بن عبد الصمد هو القارئ كبيرا من القرآن الكريم، ولد عام 1927 في قرية أرمنت محافظة قنا

3 MB