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共 294712 個APK 下載 最新版本

None of my Android devices let me play a video continuously (looping it) while locking away the video playback controls. The best so far is LG devices

1.37 MB

Not sure what LOTTO numbers to buy? Use Lucky LOTTO to generate your winning numbers today! [Features] Numbers are generated randomly from 1-59 Touch

7.24 MB

Not sure what Powerball numbers to buy? Use Lucky Lottery to generate your winning numbers today! [Features] Numbers are generated randomly from 1-69

7.35 MB

This is a beautiful Mecca Madina wallpaper HD app! The new HD wallpaper App with beautiful images of Mecca Madina for praise and worship of Allah. You

27.54 MB

Mishary Al Afasy adalah aplikasi yang berisi lantunan Al quran, murattal quran dari Mishary Al Afasy Kumpulan hafalan surat pendek al Quran, juz 30 ju

1.72 MB

Sheikh Sudais Murottal Sudais Murottal adalah aplikasi yang berisi lantunan Al quran, murattal quran dari Sheikh Sudais Kumpulan hafalan surat penden

1.75 MB

With this app you can paint with your finger. Thanks for all the support of you people :) Have a nice day. I changed the default settings to random co

700.85 KB

This is an example app, to show the power of the advanced material drawer library. You can find instructions and the source code on github. The link i

1.89 MB
IT News 1.3

IT News use less than mobile data IT News Save more IT News faster

1.68 MB

GPS Route Tracker: Navigation & Driving Directions helps you navigate freely on the family map and provide you with best maps and directions. The Cell

8.21 MB
App Cleaner 2.0.1

★★ Features ★★ We are bound to serve you with our utmost dedication. Our experts are working hard to bring more features. Today, We are pleased to bri

8.47 MB

*Chromecast (Google Cast) device is required* OVERVIEW: Sure, you've already tested your phone for dead pixels... but how about all of the TV's and HD

2.56 MB
Pen&PDF 1.3.3

Pen&PDF is a PDF viewer and annotation app for Android built on top of MuPDF. Pen&PDF is open source. You can get the source code from GitHub: https:/

6.67 MB
CAD Models 2017

The Trelleborg Sealing Solutions CAD Models App can be used to view 3D models from a wide range of Trelleborg products. You can easily find the produc

5.24 MB
CAD看图纸 1.2.2

CAD Viewer-Autocad and dwg pro is a unique and free application designed to open, view, create, navigate, store and share 2D DWG ( AutoCAD, ZWCAD, DXF

24.97 MB

QuickMemo is a notepad app for shorthand. Have entered in hiragana, you can Kanji conversion later. QuickMemo is equipped with the following features.

1.57 MB

Easy & simple notepad app which you can use to organize your tasks & to do list with alert functionality which is very helpful for remembering what yo

3.18 MB

Web page shortcut icon increasing on the phone screen! Put it in the GoWeb widget for convenient use. You can open the website directly while scrollin

3 MB

The Boogie Board Jot app scans anything you draw on your Jot and saves it for whenever you need it most. SCAN • Automatically scan the drawing off you

6.56 MB

Sync files to your computer or NAS. Sync your photos from your phone to your computer. No need for any cables. It runs on your wireless network (Wi-Fi

1.31 MB