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共 294816 個APK 下載 最新版本

Convenient tool for designers, developers, painters. Allows you to detect RGB/HEX/RAL value of color for one pixel or pixels of variable area on your

3.76 MB
DOD 3.0.1

Daughters of Destiny (DOD) is an Interdenominational Fellowship for women, charged with a vision to raise women as intercessors for the family and Nat

16.03 MB

With Color Suite Free you can identify colors from a picture using standard reference color sets, RAL, DIN 6164, Federal Standard 595C Now, you can ge

4.3 MB

L'application permet d'obtenir les couleurs s'associant à une couleur désirée. Elle reprend le fonctionnement du disque chromatique. L'application est

2.31 MB

Тренажер 1С:Профессионал. Версия для курса "Управление Торговлей редакции 11.1" *** ВНИМАНИЕ! Это бесплатная версия с целью ознакомления с возможностя

26.43 MB

The EasyBroker app gives you all the benefits you already have on your computer and the flexibility to take them wherever you go. If you already have

1.32 MB

Material palette design for Android gives you a large catalog of colors to use in your work or projects and save more time searching online Features:

4.62 MB

Today, when it comes to color selection for the bedroom, you can find such a variety of bedroom paint colors. The bedroom colors available are really

5.24 MB
Holo-Mind 1.1

Collaboratively create mindmaps in 3D, anchored in the real world. Host your own mindmap creation session or join another user on both other mobile de

35.08 MB

Tool to choose colors that match based on color theory. Combining colors to go together sometimes gets hard, specially if you can't naturally distingu

1.05 MB
My Tenant 1.4.4

If you are a Landlord then download and install this app If you are a Tenant then download and install My Landlord How to use My Tenant: [Landlord] *

1.62 MB

The perfect application to refer to the color code.

1.18 MB

Advanced Reminders - Platinum has the following features: 1. Very simple to use UI. 2. Advanced Reminders - Platinum contains a lot of categories of r

9.41 MB

В каталоге описаны сорта винограда, успешно культивируемые на территории Саратовской области. Многие из этих сортов успешно растут и на территории дру

6.36 MB

Официальное приложение учебного центра «Специалист» при МГТУ им. Н.Э. Баумана. «Специалист» - крупнейший российский учебный центр, успешно работающий

5.54 MB

Company «Metamorphoze» is pleased to offer you a series of applications "mobile students" based on educational materials for students who are studying

3.92 MB

This simple application will give Tip, Ring, and Binder colors for any twisted pair ranging from pair 1 to pair 1800 This application is designed for,

60.8 KB
Couleur 1.0

Couleur is a quick and easy to use color pallet generator. You can generate a color pallet from any single image by the touch of your finger. You can

4.23 MB
아주라 1.0.1

[아주라 소개] 평상시에 아이디어가 잘 떠오르지 않아 고생하신적이 있으신가요? 아주라는 아이디어를 주라의 약자로써 손정의 회장이 사용하는 강제(단어)결합법 뿐만 아니라 다양한 아이디어 발상법을 소개하고 이를 습관화하게 해주어 여러분이 더 좋은 아이디어를 낼 수 있게 도

4.3 MB
Norman Goodfellows

The Norman Goodfellows App gives you access to the latest special offers on all of your favourite wine, spirits, malts and soft drinks. It also featur

15.08 MB