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共 294702 個APK 下載 最新版本

The most popular calendar App with more than 5,000,000 users is now here on Android ! ZDcalendar(the team of ZDbox) brings Chinese Lunar , Almanac ,

13.58 MB
咖喱 2.1.6

16.23 MB
無地日記 1.7.8

『君の名は。』テーマで話題沸騰中。シリーズ累計ユーザー数10万人を突破!☆゚+. 無地シリーズ第2弾 ゚+.☆シンプルでかわいい日記帳アプリ『無地日記』♪大人気「無地シリーズ」のシンプル可愛いデザインに加えて、使いやすさを追求した日記帳アプリ。毎日の小さな出来事も、大切な思い出。そんな思い出を無地日

5.2 MB

12.98 MB

43.5 KB
ADI 0.7.4

"One does not simply remove the app drawer icon!"With the release of the new Pixel Launcher, Google removed the app drawer icon and substituted its ac

4.59 MB
哈啦Money 2.1.5

"說出你的消費,哈啦Money幫你分類"。這是一款有效提升記帳效率、有趣、免費的專利語音記帳軟體!《 語音記帳專利(證書號M524542) 》支援iOS & Android多平台。https://www.facebook.com/halamoney.tw/如有疑問,請E-mail至Halamoney

25.35 MB

A Free Wallpaper App with 40+ High-Quality Wallpapers (and many more to come!) New Wallpapers Every Week! (And if for some reason I can't add Wallpape

2.26 MB
Weatherlove 3.0.1

Weatherlove - weather, clock, love.If you love a good weather forecast, you'll love our application. The highly polished modern interface resembles Ki

8.64 MB
Reader 1.2.0

2.7 MB
人人电台 1.0.2


501.18 KB
21世纪 5.5.5


2.54 MB
Meteor 1.3

11.81 MB

7.59 MB
FeverUI 1.9.6

FeverUi is a theme with colored gradient. For CM13 CM12 with Theme Engine.READ ME :This theme is optimized for XXXHDPI devices, with icons, +50 themed

15.12 MB

Traffic Counter Pro is an easy way to monitor and count your Messages, Calls, Cell or Wifi- network usage.Please try "Traffic Counter Extended" BEFORE

382.6 KB

Daily on the main page of Yandex.Pictures published beautiful original photographs of various subjects.The application automatically every day loads

191.53 KB
Calculator 6.0.10

Calculator is a simple 4 function calculator, with a panel that has more advanced functions when you need them. It includes history, real time graphin

6.21 MB


2.76 MB

A simple app to show your note in statusbar. And when you set it up, you can exit it.

14.59 KB