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共 294707 個APK 下載 最新版本
AnDock 1.0.0

3.05 MB

应用介绍】 十万本热门漫画免费看,5000万动漫爱好者的共同选择,有妖气漫画——您的必备追漫神器。在有妖气漫画,不仅有周杰伦、邓超、筷子兄弟等大牌明星强力推荐的《十万个冷笑话》陪你hight翻天;还有《盗墓笔记》、《斗罗大陆》、《九鼎记》、《金牌助理》等超高人气小说改编的漫画让你尽享视觉盛宴;更有众

11.8 MB

The module adds a bar at the top of recent tasks screen showing the amount of used/free RAM.

250.63 KB
Dodol 20

2.96 MB

1.05 MB
Sakura 1.2

Sakura defines the blooming of a cherry tree in japanese. So serene and beautiful, yet so simple. I have made this icon pack with the hope that you ca

10.58 MB
spaRSS 1.11.8

Summary spaRSS is a light, modern, totally free (no ads) and opensource project which keeps you inform by fetching your websites/blogs and displaying

1.36 MB

Smartisan Technology proudly presents Smartisan Calendar. Like Smartisan Notes and Smartisan Clock, Smartisan Calendar is beautifully designed and car

8.17 MB
Mono 11.5

PLEASE READ!• Theme works on 7.1.1 OMS ROMs• You may install it on Legacy or CM based ROMs on your own responsibility, it may bootloop, fc, and probab

12.2 MB
DSLR Camera 2.8.5

What our customers say:"Outstanding! This is by far my favorite camera app" ★ ★ ★ ★ ★"Insane how good this app is!" ★ ★ ★ ★ ★"Excellent !! This apps i

376.15 KB
Android Wear

29.95 MB
Norton Utilities

NOTE: As we align with our new offering strategy and efforts to streamline our product range to provide fewer, more integrated solutions for our custo

4.04 MB
Praos 2.4.0

Square. Detailed. Material. Appealing!Praos is square icon pack, but some of the shapes going out of the borders, which makes it quite appealing. Amaz

46.39 MB

732.7 KB

微群组是一款以兴趣为核心,基于附近的群组社交应用。用户可以使用微信或QQ帐号登录,快速邀请自己的微信和QQ好友加入微群,并可以方便地发起活动,分享照片。校园社团,健身运动,游戏兄弟,各种兴趣群等你来发现!微群组v1.5主要功能:新功能:1、话题频道——有话题,找聊伴如此容易!#中国好声音 #离婚律师

12.52 MB
Calci 1.3.2

1001.77 KB

If you liked Highway Drive, then you will love Freeway Biker, the new driving game on the stre

8.37 MB
Flatout 4.0.1

Regarding Contains AdsThe theme dashboard has links to my other icon packs on play store and as per google guidelines, those are to be treated as adve

9.94 MB
AppLock 1.1.2

App Lock can lock apps, Photos, Facebook, Whatsapp, Messenger, Gallery, SMS, Contacts, Google Play, Settings, Incoming Calls and any app you choose. P

1.52 MB
APKatcher 1.0

Ever get Android Applications in your email? Frustrated that the Gmail application won't let you install them? This small utility enables you to insta

14.25 KB